The Government of Indonesia has issued legislation governing dismissal Police officers who committed the crime, stated in Government Regulation No. 1 of 2003 Article 11, paragraph 1, letter a, and the Police Regulation No. 14 of 2011 on the Police Ethic Code, however, there are still police officer(s) who violate the Police Ethic Code. The enforcement implementation of the Police Ethic Code in the Bidpropam of Central Java Police based on the Police Regulation No. 14 of 2011 Article 21 was carried out by the Police Ethic Code Commission in accordance with Police Regulation 19 of 2012 Article 30 against the perpetrators of criminal acts and who have obtained legally binding court decision, through Court of Police Ethic Code Commission agains...
Ermiza Fatma (165010101111095)Fakultas Hukum Universitas BrawijayaJl. MT. Haryono No.169, Ketawangge...
Aturan pelanggaran kode etik anggota POLRI yang tidak masuk dinas sudah diatur dalam Undang-Undang N...
Police are law enforcement officers. Violations or criminal acts by members of the Police that are n...
AbstractReality straightening of Police Profession Code Of Ethics law to member of Indonesia Police ...
The Police Professional Code of Ethics is the control of every Police action. But there are still me...
Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri) masih adanya kasus-kasus yang menerpa anggota kepolisian yang ...
Currently there are still members of the National Police who violate the code of ethics. Polri membe...
The Police Code of Ethics and Discipline is a guideline how to act and the behavior of Polri personn...
Legal writing / thesis entitled : “Enforcement of the Polri’s Profession Code of Ethics in Order to ...
The National Police of the Republic of Indonesia is a law enforcement institution that is used as on...
Sebagai konsekuensi yang ditimbulkan dari pelanggaran kode etik Polri oleh anggota Polri adalah, per...
Ada beberapa isu hukum berkenaan dengan tugas-tugas dan fungsi-fungsi polisi Indonesia. Dalam rangka...
In Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia, the functions a...
The Police Professional Code of Ethics is the control of every Police action. But there are still me...
Police is a profession requiring law and code of ethics as a benchmark for any actions and legal con...
Ermiza Fatma (165010101111095)Fakultas Hukum Universitas BrawijayaJl. MT. Haryono No.169, Ketawangge...
Aturan pelanggaran kode etik anggota POLRI yang tidak masuk dinas sudah diatur dalam Undang-Undang N...
Police are law enforcement officers. Violations or criminal acts by members of the Police that are n...
AbstractReality straightening of Police Profession Code Of Ethics law to member of Indonesia Police ...
The Police Professional Code of Ethics is the control of every Police action. But there are still me...
Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri) masih adanya kasus-kasus yang menerpa anggota kepolisian yang ...
Currently there are still members of the National Police who violate the code of ethics. Polri membe...
The Police Code of Ethics and Discipline is a guideline how to act and the behavior of Polri personn...
Legal writing / thesis entitled : “Enforcement of the Polri’s Profession Code of Ethics in Order to ...
The National Police of the Republic of Indonesia is a law enforcement institution that is used as on...
Sebagai konsekuensi yang ditimbulkan dari pelanggaran kode etik Polri oleh anggota Polri adalah, per...
Ada beberapa isu hukum berkenaan dengan tugas-tugas dan fungsi-fungsi polisi Indonesia. Dalam rangka...
In Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia, the functions a...
The Police Professional Code of Ethics is the control of every Police action. But there are still me...
Police is a profession requiring law and code of ethics as a benchmark for any actions and legal con...
Ermiza Fatma (165010101111095)Fakultas Hukum Universitas BrawijayaJl. MT. Haryono No.169, Ketawangge...
Aturan pelanggaran kode etik anggota POLRI yang tidak masuk dinas sudah diatur dalam Undang-Undang N...
Police are law enforcement officers. Violations or criminal acts by members of the Police that are n...