Three nitrogen fertilizer rates (18, 68, and 118 lb/ac of N) were applied to small research plots that had been sprayed previously for weeds and tilled at the Oakley Farm in Livingston, TN. Forage plots were planted to six different grasses (Creeping Red Fescue/ Festuca rubra, Kentucky Bluegrass/ Poa pratensis, “Marshall” Ryegrass/ Lolium multiflorum, Timothy/ Phleum pratense, “Kentucky 31” Tall Fescue/ Festuca arundinacea, and Orchardgrass/ Dactylis glomerata) and five different legumes (Crimson Clover/ Trifolium incarnatum, “Will” Ladino Clover/ Trifolium repens, “Kenland” Red Clover/ Trifolium pratense, common Red Clover/ Trifolium pratense , White Clover/ Trifolium repens). All plots also received the equivalent of 50 lb/ac P2O5 and 50 ...