Abstract—One of the biggest bottlenecks in desktop-based computing is the hard disk with I/O write latency being a key contributor. I/O write latency stems from the mechanical nature of hard disks, with seek and rotational delays the major components. Hybrid disk drives place a small amount of flash memory (NVCache) on the drive itself which can be leveraged by the host and has the potential to increase I/O performance and reduce hard disk power consumption. We present an I/O scheduling algorithm, ”Flash-Backed I/O Requests”, which leverages the on-board flash to reduce write latency. Since flash memory and rotating media have different I/O characteristics, predominantly in random access context, an I/O scheduler can decide which media will...
On Flash-based solid-state disks (SSDs), different I/O operations (reads vs. writes, operations of d...
In cloud computing, multiple servers are consolidated into a physical machine in order to reduce the...
In this paper, we look at the various I/O issues in a multimedia system. In a multimedia server, the...
Abstract In this paper, we present a flash solid-state drive (SSD) optimization that provides hint...
Abstract. One of the most effective ways to improve the I/O perfor-mance of a storage system is to e...
To offset the significant power demands of hard disk drives in computer systems, drives are typicall...
The ever growing needs of large multimedia systems cannot be met by magnetic disks due to their high...
MasterThis paper proposes a new latency-aware request scheduling method for NAND flash-based solid s...
On Flash-based solid-state disks (SSDs), different I/O operations (reads vs. writes, operations of d...
Modern flash memory-based storage devices use write buffer not only to reduce the amount of data act...
학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2017. 2. 염헌영.Flash memory technology, in the form of flash solid-...
To offset the significant power demands of hard disk drives in computer systems, drives are typicall...
Abstract—SSDs (Solid State Drives, or flash disks) have been considered as ideal storage for various...
An input/output (I/O) device can incorporate mechanical devices that require physical movements, suc...
Solid-state drives (SSDs) are quickly becoming the de-fault storage medium as the cost of NAND flash...
On Flash-based solid-state disks (SSDs), different I/O operations (reads vs. writes, operations of d...
In cloud computing, multiple servers are consolidated into a physical machine in order to reduce the...
In this paper, we look at the various I/O issues in a multimedia system. In a multimedia server, the...
Abstract In this paper, we present a flash solid-state drive (SSD) optimization that provides hint...
Abstract. One of the most effective ways to improve the I/O perfor-mance of a storage system is to e...
To offset the significant power demands of hard disk drives in computer systems, drives are typicall...
The ever growing needs of large multimedia systems cannot be met by magnetic disks due to their high...
MasterThis paper proposes a new latency-aware request scheduling method for NAND flash-based solid s...
On Flash-based solid-state disks (SSDs), different I/O operations (reads vs. writes, operations of d...
Modern flash memory-based storage devices use write buffer not only to reduce the amount of data act...
학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2017. 2. 염헌영.Flash memory technology, in the form of flash solid-...
To offset the significant power demands of hard disk drives in computer systems, drives are typicall...
Abstract—SSDs (Solid State Drives, or flash disks) have been considered as ideal storage for various...
An input/output (I/O) device can incorporate mechanical devices that require physical movements, suc...
Solid-state drives (SSDs) are quickly becoming the de-fault storage medium as the cost of NAND flash...
On Flash-based solid-state disks (SSDs), different I/O operations (reads vs. writes, operations of d...
In cloud computing, multiple servers are consolidated into a physical machine in order to reduce the...
In this paper, we look at the various I/O issues in a multimedia system. In a multimedia server, the...