As embedded systems designers increasingly use field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) while pursuing single-chip designs, they are motivated to have their designs also include soft processors, processors built using FPGA programmable logic. In this paper, we provide: 1) an exploration of the microarchitectural tradeoffs for soft processors and 2) a set of customization techniques that capitalizes on these tradeoffs to improve the efficiency of soft processors for specific applications. Using our infrastructure for automatically generating soft-processor implementations (which span a large area/speed design space while remaining competitive with Altera’s Nios II variations), we quantify tradeoffs within soft-processor microarchitecture and e...
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) provide an easier path thanApplication-Specific Integrated Ci...
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are rapidly becoming a popular alternative to ASICs as they c...
It is possible to foresee the day when prefabricated, programmable devices such as Field-Programmabl...
A key advantage of soft processors (processors built on an FPGA programmable fabric) over hard proce...
As more embedded systems are built using FPGA platforms, there is an increasing need to support proc...
Abstract—This paper compares the delay and area of a comprehensive set of processor building block c...
Although FPGAs continue to grow in capacity, FPGA-based soft processors have grown very little becau...
Submitted on behalf of EDAA ( audienceField programmable gate arra...
Submitted on behalf of EDAA ( audienceField programmable gate arra...
Submitted on behalf of EDAA ( audienceField programmable gate arra...
FPGAs are increasingly used to implement embedded digital systems because of their low time-to-marke...
FPGAs are increasingly used to implement embedded digital systems because of their low time-to-marke...
The FPGA’s soft-cores main idea is to provide designers with the flexibility of creating a perfect f...
Soft-core processors exploit the flexibility of Field Pro-grammable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) to allow a s...
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) provide an easier path thanApplication-Specific Integrated Ci...
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) provide an easier path thanApplication-Specific Integrated Ci...
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are rapidly becoming a popular alternative to ASICs as they c...
It is possible to foresee the day when prefabricated, programmable devices such as Field-Programmabl...
A key advantage of soft processors (processors built on an FPGA programmable fabric) over hard proce...
As more embedded systems are built using FPGA platforms, there is an increasing need to support proc...
Abstract—This paper compares the delay and area of a comprehensive set of processor building block c...
Although FPGAs continue to grow in capacity, FPGA-based soft processors have grown very little becau...
Submitted on behalf of EDAA ( audienceField programmable gate arra...
Submitted on behalf of EDAA ( audienceField programmable gate arra...
Submitted on behalf of EDAA ( audienceField programmable gate arra...
FPGAs are increasingly used to implement embedded digital systems because of their low time-to-marke...
FPGAs are increasingly used to implement embedded digital systems because of their low time-to-marke...
The FPGA’s soft-cores main idea is to provide designers with the flexibility of creating a perfect f...
Soft-core processors exploit the flexibility of Field Pro-grammable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) to allow a s...
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) provide an easier path thanApplication-Specific Integrated Ci...
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) provide an easier path thanApplication-Specific Integrated Ci...
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are rapidly becoming a popular alternative to ASICs as they c...
It is possible to foresee the day when prefabricated, programmable devices such as Field-Programmabl...