High-performance, general-purpose microprocessors serve as compute engines for computers ranging from personal computers to supercomputers. Sequential programs constitute a major portion of real-world software that run on the computers. State-of-the-art microprocessors exploit instruction level parallelism (ILP) to achieve high performance on such applications by searching for independent instructions in a dynamic window of instructions and executing them on a wide-issue pipeline. Increasing the window size and the issue width to extract more ILP may hinder achieving high clock speeds, limiting overall performance. The Multiscalar architecture employs multiple small windows and many narrow-issue processing units to exploit ILP at high clock...
Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) is the number of instructions that can be executed in simultaneo...
Extensive research as been done on extracting parallelism from single instruction stream processors....
instruction-level parallelism, VLIW processors, superscalar processors, overlapped execution, out-of...
Multiscalar processors use a new, aggressive implementation paradigm for extracting large quantities...
dataflow processors, superscalar processors, instruction scheduling, trace scheduling, software pipe...
The centerpiece of this thesis is a new processing paradigm for exploiting instruction level paralle...
To achieve high performance, contemporary computer systems rely on two forms of parallelism: instruc...
International audienceAmdhal's law says that, we cannot go faster than the serial 1 section of the ...
International audienceAmdhal's law says that, we cannot go faster than the serial 1 section of the ...
International audienceAmdhal's law says that, we cannot go faster than the serial 1 section of the ...
Exploiting better performance from computer programs translates to finding more instructions to exec...
To achieve high performance, contemporary computer systems rely on two forms of parallelism: instruc...
has emphasized instruction-level parallelism, which improves performance by increasing the number of...
Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality ...
Li, XiaomingWith the Dennard Scaling law break for a long time, the computer architecture design pro...
Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) is the number of instructions that can be executed in simultaneo...
Extensive research as been done on extracting parallelism from single instruction stream processors....
instruction-level parallelism, VLIW processors, superscalar processors, overlapped execution, out-of...
Multiscalar processors use a new, aggressive implementation paradigm for extracting large quantities...
dataflow processors, superscalar processors, instruction scheduling, trace scheduling, software pipe...
The centerpiece of this thesis is a new processing paradigm for exploiting instruction level paralle...
To achieve high performance, contemporary computer systems rely on two forms of parallelism: instruc...
International audienceAmdhal's law says that, we cannot go faster than the serial 1 section of the ...
International audienceAmdhal's law says that, we cannot go faster than the serial 1 section of the ...
International audienceAmdhal's law says that, we cannot go faster than the serial 1 section of the ...
Exploiting better performance from computer programs translates to finding more instructions to exec...
To achieve high performance, contemporary computer systems rely on two forms of parallelism: instruc...
has emphasized instruction-level parallelism, which improves performance by increasing the number of...
Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality ...
Li, XiaomingWith the Dennard Scaling law break for a long time, the computer architecture design pro...
Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) is the number of instructions that can be executed in simultaneo...
Extensive research as been done on extracting parallelism from single instruction stream processors....
instruction-level parallelism, VLIW processors, superscalar processors, overlapped execution, out-of...