Programmable logic architectures increase in capacity before commercial circuits are designed for them, yielding a distinct problem for FPGA vendors: how to test and evaluate the effectiveness of new architectures and software. Benchmark circuits are a precious commodity, and often cannot be found at the correct granularity, or in the desired quantity. In previous work, we have defined important physical characteristics of combinational circuits. We presented a tool (circ) to extract them, and gave an algorithm and tool (gen) which generates random circuits, parameterized by those characteristics or by a realistic set of defaults. Though a promising first step, only a small portion of real circuits are fully combinational. In this paper we...
Experimental results show that parallel programs can be evolved more easily than sequential programs...
We present a novel, highly efficient functional test generation methodology for synchronous sequenti...
This paper presents a new real-world application of evolutionary computing in the area of digital ci...
Programmable logic architectures increase in capacity before commercial circuits are designed for th...
grantor: University of TorontoThe development of new architectures for Field-Programmable ...
The development of next-generation CAD tools and FPGA architectures require benchmark circuits to ex...
The performance and capacity of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have dramatically improved in...
This paper describes a new procedure for generating very large realistic benchmark circuits which ar...
International audienceThis paper describes a new procedure for generating very large realistic bench...
Architectural research for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) tends to use an experimental appro...
For the development and evaluation of CAD-tools for partitioning, floorplanning, placement, and rout...
For the development and evaluation of CAD-tools for partition-ing, floorplanning, placement, and rou...
Modern circuit implementation technologies (FPGAs, CPLDs, complex gates, etc.) introduce new impleme...
Abstract—Random bits are an important construct in many applica-tions, such as hardware-based implem...
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) researchers aim to improve the quality of the Computer-Aided De...
Experimental results show that parallel programs can be evolved more easily than sequential programs...
We present a novel, highly efficient functional test generation methodology for synchronous sequenti...
This paper presents a new real-world application of evolutionary computing in the area of digital ci...
Programmable logic architectures increase in capacity before commercial circuits are designed for th...
grantor: University of TorontoThe development of new architectures for Field-Programmable ...
The development of next-generation CAD tools and FPGA architectures require benchmark circuits to ex...
The performance and capacity of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have dramatically improved in...
This paper describes a new procedure for generating very large realistic benchmark circuits which ar...
International audienceThis paper describes a new procedure for generating very large realistic bench...
Architectural research for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) tends to use an experimental appro...
For the development and evaluation of CAD-tools for partitioning, floorplanning, placement, and rout...
For the development and evaluation of CAD-tools for partition-ing, floorplanning, placement, and rou...
Modern circuit implementation technologies (FPGAs, CPLDs, complex gates, etc.) introduce new impleme...
Abstract—Random bits are an important construct in many applica-tions, such as hardware-based implem...
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) researchers aim to improve the quality of the Computer-Aided De...
Experimental results show that parallel programs can be evolved more easily than sequential programs...
We present a novel, highly efficient functional test generation methodology for synchronous sequenti...
This paper presents a new real-world application of evolutionary computing in the area of digital ci...