A feature length fiction screenplay combining the genres of horror, holiday, and family drama, Where the Blood Is tells the story of Bud O'Brien, a rural Ontario cop who must lure his estranged son John home for Christmas and convince him to sign over his inheritance in order to solve Bud's pressing money problems. What Bud doesn't know is that in the eight months John has been gone, he's become a vampire
WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW, UNLESS THAT’S BORING The common advice given to any budding filmmaker is to kee...
Song of Bacchus is the script for a feature film set in New Zealand wine country, Hawke’s Bay. It ce...
Originally published in Encyclopedia of Religion and Film. Ed: Eric Mazur. ABC-CLIO, 2011 Vampires b...
This thesis is a script for a graphic novel, accompanied by demonstrative artwork that includes fini...
In Canadian filmmaker Mary Harron’s The Moth Diaries (a Canadian/ American/Irish co-production), exp...
Sanguination is a single cam one-hour television drama set in a world where vampires are the dominan...
Moonlight Bay is a paranormal television drama centered around identity, family and community. Resea...
THE HAUNTING OF FROST is a graduate project screenplay, the initial purpose of which was to create a...
Quiet, Brother is a feature-length screenplay that explores how a Catholic family, parish, and commu...
My thesis project is a novella called Shadowcrest Manor, centered on the protagonist, Rosalind, and ...
A novel of fiction. John Stick, along with his two best friends, Spartacus Rex and Leon Flowers, rob...
Villa Ancheta is a 96-page feature-length screenplay that aims to tackle the impact of unresolved in...
Feature film horror screenplay. Logline: When her dishonest fiancee disappears on a wild night out, ...
The first vampire film I ever saw was Interview with a vampire. “I haven’t been human for two hundre...
Cover Story piece on the filming of Traditional Family Vampires, a movie that runs only 16 minute...
WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW, UNLESS THAT’S BORING The common advice given to any budding filmmaker is to kee...
Song of Bacchus is the script for a feature film set in New Zealand wine country, Hawke’s Bay. It ce...
Originally published in Encyclopedia of Religion and Film. Ed: Eric Mazur. ABC-CLIO, 2011 Vampires b...
This thesis is a script for a graphic novel, accompanied by demonstrative artwork that includes fini...
In Canadian filmmaker Mary Harron’s The Moth Diaries (a Canadian/ American/Irish co-production), exp...
Sanguination is a single cam one-hour television drama set in a world where vampires are the dominan...
Moonlight Bay is a paranormal television drama centered around identity, family and community. Resea...
THE HAUNTING OF FROST is a graduate project screenplay, the initial purpose of which was to create a...
Quiet, Brother is a feature-length screenplay that explores how a Catholic family, parish, and commu...
My thesis project is a novella called Shadowcrest Manor, centered on the protagonist, Rosalind, and ...
A novel of fiction. John Stick, along with his two best friends, Spartacus Rex and Leon Flowers, rob...
Villa Ancheta is a 96-page feature-length screenplay that aims to tackle the impact of unresolved in...
Feature film horror screenplay. Logline: When her dishonest fiancee disappears on a wild night out, ...
The first vampire film I ever saw was Interview with a vampire. “I haven’t been human for two hundre...
Cover Story piece on the filming of Traditional Family Vampires, a movie that runs only 16 minute...
WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW, UNLESS THAT’S BORING The common advice given to any budding filmmaker is to kee...
Song of Bacchus is the script for a feature film set in New Zealand wine country, Hawke’s Bay. It ce...
Originally published in Encyclopedia of Religion and Film. Ed: Eric Mazur. ABC-CLIO, 2011 Vampires b...