Student introductions
Student Presentation on Teremok
Welcome to Moscow State Pedagogical University .
Student Presentation on the Russian Idea.
Student introductions
Welcome presentation
Student introductions
UCF Faculty Presenting Gifts to Students of the University.
UCF faculty attending a lecture at the Financial University
Student Presentation on the Lukomorye.
Russian Students Speaking with UCF Students
UCF faculty attending a presentation at the Financial University
Student Presentation on the Russian Realia.
UCF Faculty Presenting Gifts to Students of the University.
Leaving the Financial University
Student Presentation on Teremok
Welcome to Moscow State Pedagogical University .
Student Presentation on the Russian Idea.
Student introductions
Welcome presentation
Student introductions
UCF Faculty Presenting Gifts to Students of the University.
UCF faculty attending a lecture at the Financial University
Student Presentation on the Lukomorye.
Russian Students Speaking with UCF Students
UCF faculty attending a presentation at the Financial University
Student Presentation on the Russian Realia.
UCF Faculty Presenting Gifts to Students of the University.
Leaving the Financial University
Student Presentation on Teremok
Welcome to Moscow State Pedagogical University .
Student Presentation on the Russian Idea.