A Secret Vice: Tolkien on Invented Languages. J.R.R. Tolkien. Ed. Dimitra Fimi and Andrew Higgins. Reviewed by Jason Fisher. The \u27Great War\u27 of Owen Barfield and C.S. Lewis: Philosophical Writings 1927-1930. Edited by Norbert Feinendegen and Arend Smilde. Reviewed by Phillip Fitzsimmons. Joy and Poetic Imagination: Understanding C.S. Lewis\u27s Great War with Owen Barfield and its Significance for Lewis\u27s Conversion and Writings. Stephen Thorson. Reviewed by Phillip Fitzsimmons. The Hero\u27s Quest and the Cycles of Nature: An Ecological Interpretation of World Mythology. Rachel S. McCoppin. Reviewed by Kristine Larsen. Elf Queens and Holy Friars: Fairy Beliefs and the Medieval Church. Richard Firth Green. Reviewed by Nancy Marie...