The popular 1992 animated film, Aladdin, takes place in the fictional sultanate of Agrabah and follows the adventures of a street rat by the name of Aladdin. Aladdin encounters a lamp with a magical genie and uses the wishes to win the heart of the princess, Jasmine. Through his journey, he is met by evil forces wanting to use the lamp and he soon realizes that he must save the princess and the city. Through analysis of plot and character development, Aladdin can be characterized as an oriental depiction of the Middle East and South East Asia, also known as the Orient. Edward Said defines orientalism as a scholarly depiction which illustrates a “Western style for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient” (Said, 1978, ...
a! b! In a world that is constantly changing and becoming more open to diversity and equality, filmm...
This study discusses the representation of Orientalism which is depicted in A Hologram for The King ...
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Thema Orientalismus im Kontext der Medien behandelt. Das Phänome...
This article examined how Disney presents Middle Eastern culture in the film Aladdin (2019). To anal...
MUCH HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT THE RECEPTION of Walt Disney Incorporated's 1993 film Aladdin by Arab-Ameri...
This study compares the folktale “The Story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” from the Arabian Nigh...
The objectives of this research are to find the differences and the causes of the changed character ...
This study compares the folktale “The Story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” from the Arabian Nigh...
This study compares the folktale “The Story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” from the Arabian Nigh...
This study compares the folktale “The Story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” from the Arabian Nigh...
In a world that is constantly changing and becoming more open to diversity and equality, filmmakers ...
This article discusses the discourse of Arab barbarism constructed in animated film Aladdin produced...
Multiculturalism has transformed in its meaning and significance over the years, but not in its need...
Orientalism is based upon the traditional belief that Western culture is superior to that of Islamic...
Orientalism and how the evolution of Asian roles in American film has changed over the course of 38 ...
a! b! In a world that is constantly changing and becoming more open to diversity and equality, filmm...
This study discusses the representation of Orientalism which is depicted in A Hologram for The King ...
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Thema Orientalismus im Kontext der Medien behandelt. Das Phänome...
This article examined how Disney presents Middle Eastern culture in the film Aladdin (2019). To anal...
MUCH HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT THE RECEPTION of Walt Disney Incorporated's 1993 film Aladdin by Arab-Ameri...
This study compares the folktale “The Story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” from the Arabian Nigh...
The objectives of this research are to find the differences and the causes of the changed character ...
This study compares the folktale “The Story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” from the Arabian Nigh...
This study compares the folktale “The Story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” from the Arabian Nigh...
This study compares the folktale “The Story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” from the Arabian Nigh...
In a world that is constantly changing and becoming more open to diversity and equality, filmmakers ...
This article discusses the discourse of Arab barbarism constructed in animated film Aladdin produced...
Multiculturalism has transformed in its meaning and significance over the years, but not in its need...
Orientalism is based upon the traditional belief that Western culture is superior to that of Islamic...
Orientalism and how the evolution of Asian roles in American film has changed over the course of 38 ...
a! b! In a world that is constantly changing and becoming more open to diversity and equality, filmm...
This study discusses the representation of Orientalism which is depicted in A Hologram for The King ...
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Thema Orientalismus im Kontext der Medien behandelt. Das Phänome...