The article presents an interesting case of congenital infection pneumocystis conclusively proven and confirmed by various methods of laboratory diagnostics, including morphological with a special color. In addition, parents were surveyed, which were the source of infection. Congenital pneumonia, especially in preterm infants, are a direct threat to life. In this regard, the timely examination of the mother and child, as well as the appointment of etiotropic antibacterial drugs is an important task to prevent the fatal outcome of the disease.В статье представлен случай врожденной пневмоцистной инфекции, убедительно доказанной и подтвержденной различными методами лабораторной диагностики, в т.ч. морфологическими со специальной окраской. Поми...
Dependence of AlN polymorphic structure on thermal conductivity was considered. Due to higher therma...
Исследование типа, силы и количества активных центров на поверхности волокон хризотил-асбеста и крок...
На основі проведеного аналізу технологій складання деталей з натягом, конструкцій складених коліс за...
The article presents an interesting case of congenital infection pneumocystis conclusively proven an...
The article gives the study of scientific popularization activities of Аcademician A.O. Sapehin. It ...
Factors causing the solid-phase dispersion of the particles of alloying elements in the aluminum mel...
Рассматриваются проблемы профессиональной подготовки бакалавров через проектирование основных образо...
Seledchik Yu. F. Influence of the temperature factor on the growing of broiler chickensThe article d...
Flora is an important component of ecosystems. Representatives of the old-field flora affect the dir...
Проанализированы методы сбора клещей домашней пыли и проведен анализ клещевого загрязнения домашней ...
Стаття присвячена гендерній оцінці особистості жінки в античному суспільстві, яка віддзеркалена в л...
The plane problem of stability of a rectangular plate with central crack under uniaxial compressing ...
Language of modern mass media expresses all the active processes occurring in society and in the lan...
In Europe, as in Russia and Canada, outlined was a tendency to the increase in the morbidity rates, ...
the article considers various types of passive devices swirlers are designed to reduce noise and vib...
Dependence of AlN polymorphic structure on thermal conductivity was considered. Due to higher therma...
Исследование типа, силы и количества активных центров на поверхности волокон хризотил-асбеста и крок...
На основі проведеного аналізу технологій складання деталей з натягом, конструкцій складених коліс за...
The article presents an interesting case of congenital infection pneumocystis conclusively proven an...
The article gives the study of scientific popularization activities of Аcademician A.O. Sapehin. It ...
Factors causing the solid-phase dispersion of the particles of alloying elements in the aluminum mel...
Рассматриваются проблемы профессиональной подготовки бакалавров через проектирование основных образо...
Seledchik Yu. F. Influence of the temperature factor on the growing of broiler chickensThe article d...
Flora is an important component of ecosystems. Representatives of the old-field flora affect the dir...
Проанализированы методы сбора клещей домашней пыли и проведен анализ клещевого загрязнения домашней ...
Стаття присвячена гендерній оцінці особистості жінки в античному суспільстві, яка віддзеркалена в л...
The plane problem of stability of a rectangular plate with central crack under uniaxial compressing ...
Language of modern mass media expresses all the active processes occurring in society and in the lan...
In Europe, as in Russia and Canada, outlined was a tendency to the increase in the morbidity rates, ...
the article considers various types of passive devices swirlers are designed to reduce noise and vib...
Dependence of AlN polymorphic structure on thermal conductivity was considered. Due to higher therma...
Исследование типа, силы и количества активных центров на поверхности волокон хризотил-асбеста и крок...
На основі проведеного аналізу технологій складання деталей з натягом, конструкцій складених коліс за...