Eriastrum densifolium (Benth.) H. MasonGiant eriastrum, Giant woollystar, Perennial woodstarTujunga Wash near SunlandDry open valley floor; Chapparal scrub1150 feetShrubby perennial about 1 m. high, forming a somewhat rounded bush, this year's shoots erect or ascending; corolla blu
Eriogonum umbellatum Torreysulphur-flowered buckwheat;sulphur-flowered wild buckwheat;sulphur buckwh...
Heliotropium cupressinum CravenMixed woodland, on lower reaches of steep slopes. Subshrub ½ m tall....
Asclepias eriocarpa Benth.woollypod milkweed15 miles NE of Springville at Coffee Creek Camp in Sequo...
Triphysaria eriantha (Bentham) T.I. Chuang & HeckardPope ValleyLow rolling hills among grass & low h...
Disterigma trimerum Wilbur & Luteyn, determined by P. Pedraza 2008Slopes Shrub 2 m tall, bushy. Co...
Erythrina batolobium Barneby & KrukoffLimestone sinks with steep walls; oak woods. Shrub 1-2 m tall...
Cirsium subuliforme G.B.OwnbeyLarge plants with about 12-15 heads on long branches; plants 1.5-2 m. ...
Erysimum inconspicuum (S. Wats.) MacMill.vélar à petites fleurssmall-flowered wallflowerPrairie Bluf...
Cydista heterophylla SeibertWoody vine 15 ft. high; leaves simple; corolla purpl
Matelea stenosepala Lundelllow second growth Herbaceous vine, 6 ft. high, corolla reddish-blac
Eriophyllum lanatum (Pursh) J. Forbeswoolly eriophyllum;common woolly sunflowerEriophyllum lanatum3....
Eryngium prostratum var. disjunctum Nutt. ex DC. var. disjunctum FernaldMoist sandy and peaty shor
Tetramerium emilyanum T.F.DanielDeciduous forest with Ipomoea, Heliocarpus, Tecoma, leguminous trees...
Uroskinnera flavida Lundell ex R.E.Schult.on limestone rock Shrub; corolla yellowis
Carlowrightia albiflora T.F.DanielPrairie thorn-scrub With Yucca; Erect to spreading, spindly subsh...
Eriogonum umbellatum Torreysulphur-flowered buckwheat;sulphur-flowered wild buckwheat;sulphur buckwh...
Heliotropium cupressinum CravenMixed woodland, on lower reaches of steep slopes. Subshrub ½ m tall....
Asclepias eriocarpa Benth.woollypod milkweed15 miles NE of Springville at Coffee Creek Camp in Sequo...
Triphysaria eriantha (Bentham) T.I. Chuang & HeckardPope ValleyLow rolling hills among grass & low h...
Disterigma trimerum Wilbur & Luteyn, determined by P. Pedraza 2008Slopes Shrub 2 m tall, bushy. Co...
Erythrina batolobium Barneby & KrukoffLimestone sinks with steep walls; oak woods. Shrub 1-2 m tall...
Cirsium subuliforme G.B.OwnbeyLarge plants with about 12-15 heads on long branches; plants 1.5-2 m. ...
Erysimum inconspicuum (S. Wats.) MacMill.vélar à petites fleurssmall-flowered wallflowerPrairie Bluf...
Cydista heterophylla SeibertWoody vine 15 ft. high; leaves simple; corolla purpl
Matelea stenosepala Lundelllow second growth Herbaceous vine, 6 ft. high, corolla reddish-blac
Eriophyllum lanatum (Pursh) J. Forbeswoolly eriophyllum;common woolly sunflowerEriophyllum lanatum3....
Eryngium prostratum var. disjunctum Nutt. ex DC. var. disjunctum FernaldMoist sandy and peaty shor
Tetramerium emilyanum T.F.DanielDeciduous forest with Ipomoea, Heliocarpus, Tecoma, leguminous trees...
Uroskinnera flavida Lundell ex R.E.Schult.on limestone rock Shrub; corolla yellowis
Carlowrightia albiflora T.F.DanielPrairie thorn-scrub With Yucca; Erect to spreading, spindly subsh...
Eriogonum umbellatum Torreysulphur-flowered buckwheat;sulphur-flowered wild buckwheat;sulphur buckwh...
Heliotropium cupressinum CravenMixed woodland, on lower reaches of steep slopes. Subshrub ½ m tall....
Asclepias eriocarpa Benth.woollypod milkweed15 miles NE of Springville at Coffee Creek Camp in Sequo...