Delphinium gypsophilum EwanGypsum loving larkspur, Pinoche creek larkspurAlong granite road, from Oildale to Gennville, 14.3 miles southwest of junction with Woody Roadgrassland with scattered bushes of Isomeris arborea, Brodiaea pulchella, StylomeconIsomeris arborea, Brodiaea pulchella, Stylomeco
Geranium oreganum HowellOregon geraniumGeranium incisumW side of Cherokee Road ca 2 mi n of Oroville...
Microsteris gracilis (Hook.) Greeneslender phloxphlox grêleLocality, associated species and coordina...
Geum triflorum PurshOld man's whiskersbenoîte à trois fleursCarbondale Road; 1km past Lynx Creek Cam...
Delphinium glaucum S. Watsontall larkspur;giant larkspur;Hooker's larkspur;pale-flowered Brown's lar...
Claytonia gypsophiloides Fischer & C. MeyerGypsum spring beauty, Gypsum springbeautyMontia gypsoph...
Delphinium hansenii (E. Greene) E. GreeneEldorado larkspur, Hansen's larkspur4.0 miles west of Jct...
Delphinium bicolor Nutt.pied-d'alouette bicoloreLow larkspurCarbondale Road; 1km past Lynx Creek Cam...
Delphinium nuttallianum Pritzelupland larkspur;two-lobed larkspur;Nuttall's larkspur;lined-petal lar...
Delphinium nudicaule Torrey & A. GrayCanyon larkspur, Red larkspurLucas Valley Road, few miles wes...
Delphinium andersonii A. GrayAnderson larkspur, Anderson's larkspur3.3 miles north of Ravensdale, ...
Delphinium glaucescens Rydb.smooth larkspurBeartooth Mountains. Upper S-slope of Henderson Mtn. Stab...
Delphinium variegatum Torrey & A. GrayRoyal larkspurca 2.5 mi n on Hwy 32 from jct with Hwy 99, Chi...
Delphinium hesperium A. GrayFoothill larkspur, Western larkspurFoothills; 3.1 mi. s. Cohasset alon...
Geranium oreganum HowellOregon geraniumGeranium incisumW side of Cherokee Road ca 2 mi n of Oroville...
Microsteris gracilis (Hook.) Greeneslender phloxphlox grêleLocality, associated species and coordina...
Geum triflorum PurshOld man's whiskersbenoîte à trois fleursCarbondale Road; 1km past Lynx Creek Cam...
Delphinium glaucum S. Watsontall larkspur;giant larkspur;Hooker's larkspur;pale-flowered Brown's lar...
Claytonia gypsophiloides Fischer & C. MeyerGypsum spring beauty, Gypsum springbeautyMontia gypsoph...
Delphinium hansenii (E. Greene) E. GreeneEldorado larkspur, Hansen's larkspur4.0 miles west of Jct...
Delphinium bicolor Nutt.pied-d'alouette bicoloreLow larkspurCarbondale Road; 1km past Lynx Creek Cam...
Delphinium nuttallianum Pritzelupland larkspur;two-lobed larkspur;Nuttall's larkspur;lined-petal lar...
Delphinium nudicaule Torrey & A. GrayCanyon larkspur, Red larkspurLucas Valley Road, few miles wes...
Delphinium andersonii A. GrayAnderson larkspur, Anderson's larkspur3.3 miles north of Ravensdale, ...
Delphinium glaucescens Rydb.smooth larkspurBeartooth Mountains. Upper S-slope of Henderson Mtn. Stab...
Delphinium variegatum Torrey & A. GrayRoyal larkspurca 2.5 mi n on Hwy 32 from jct with Hwy 99, Chi...
Delphinium hesperium A. GrayFoothill larkspur, Western larkspurFoothills; 3.1 mi. s. Cohasset alon...
Geranium oreganum HowellOregon geraniumGeranium incisumW side of Cherokee Road ca 2 mi n of Oroville...
Microsteris gracilis (Hook.) Greeneslender phloxphlox grêleLocality, associated species and coordina...
Geum triflorum PurshOld man's whiskersbenoîte à trois fleursCarbondale Road; 1km past Lynx Creek Cam...