Geranium oreganum HowellOregon geraniumGeranium incisumW side of Cherokee Road ca 2 mi n of Oroville.Soil a sandy red clay.250 feetLupinus densiflorus, Brodiaea volubili
Micranthes marshallii (Greene) SmallMarshall's saxifrageSaxifraga marshalliitop of waterfall 1.5 mi...
Diplacus kelloggii (Curran ex Greene) NesomKellogg's monkeyflowerMimulus kelloggiica 20 ft nw from T...
Lithospermum incisum Lehmannnarrow-leaved puccoon;fringed puccoon;narrow-leaved gromwell;narrow-leav...
Triteleia hyacinthina (Lindley) GreeneWhite brodiaea, Wild hyacinthBrodiaea lacta7.5 mi. N of Orovi...
Lupinus densiflorus Benthamdense-flowered lupine;white-whorled lupineLupinus densiflorusW side of Ch...
Lathyrus vestitus Nutt.Bolander's pea, Canyon Sweet Pea, Common pacific pea, Pacific peavineW side...
Trifolium willdenovii SprengelWilldenow's clovertrèfle de WilldenowTrifolium tridentatumca 50 m W of...
Athysanus pusillus (Hooker) Greenecommon sandweed;sandweedathysane nainAthysanus pusillusBeatson's H...
Gilia capitata Simsglobe gilia;bluehead gilia;blue field giliacapitataCa. 420 m n of Cherokee Rd., T...
Limnanthes douglasii R. Br.Douglas' meadowfoamLinanthus douglasiion Table Mountain 200 yds w of Cher...
Sedella pumila (Benth.) Britton & RoseSierra mock stonecropParvisedum pumifumca 200 m. west of Cher...
Trifolium depauperatum Desvauxpoverty clover;balloon clover;balloon sack clover;cowbag clover;dwarf ...
Mimulus aurantiacus Curtis var. grandiflorus (Lindl.) D. M. Thomps.Sticky monkeyflowerMimulus bif...
Streptanthus diversifolius S. WatsonVariableleaf jewelflower, Varied leaved jewelflowerTable Mount...
Lithophragma parviflorum (Hook.) Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray var. trifoliatum (Eastw.) Jeps.prairie woo...
Micranthes marshallii (Greene) SmallMarshall's saxifrageSaxifraga marshalliitop of waterfall 1.5 mi...
Diplacus kelloggii (Curran ex Greene) NesomKellogg's monkeyflowerMimulus kelloggiica 20 ft nw from T...
Lithospermum incisum Lehmannnarrow-leaved puccoon;fringed puccoon;narrow-leaved gromwell;narrow-leav...
Triteleia hyacinthina (Lindley) GreeneWhite brodiaea, Wild hyacinthBrodiaea lacta7.5 mi. N of Orovi...
Lupinus densiflorus Benthamdense-flowered lupine;white-whorled lupineLupinus densiflorusW side of Ch...
Lathyrus vestitus Nutt.Bolander's pea, Canyon Sweet Pea, Common pacific pea, Pacific peavineW side...
Trifolium willdenovii SprengelWilldenow's clovertrèfle de WilldenowTrifolium tridentatumca 50 m W of...
Athysanus pusillus (Hooker) Greenecommon sandweed;sandweedathysane nainAthysanus pusillusBeatson's H...
Gilia capitata Simsglobe gilia;bluehead gilia;blue field giliacapitataCa. 420 m n of Cherokee Rd., T...
Limnanthes douglasii R. Br.Douglas' meadowfoamLinanthus douglasiion Table Mountain 200 yds w of Cher...
Sedella pumila (Benth.) Britton & RoseSierra mock stonecropParvisedum pumifumca 200 m. west of Cher...
Trifolium depauperatum Desvauxpoverty clover;balloon clover;balloon sack clover;cowbag clover;dwarf ...
Mimulus aurantiacus Curtis var. grandiflorus (Lindl.) D. M. Thomps.Sticky monkeyflowerMimulus bif...
Streptanthus diversifolius S. WatsonVariableleaf jewelflower, Varied leaved jewelflowerTable Mount...
Lithophragma parviflorum (Hook.) Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray var. trifoliatum (Eastw.) Jeps.prairie woo...
Micranthes marshallii (Greene) SmallMarshall's saxifrageSaxifraga marshalliitop of waterfall 1.5 mi...
Diplacus kelloggii (Curran ex Greene) NesomKellogg's monkeyflowerMimulus kelloggiica 20 ft nw from T...
Lithospermum incisum Lehmannnarrow-leaved puccoon;fringed puccoon;narrow-leaved gromwell;narrow-leav...