Diplacus kelloggii (Curran ex Greene) NesomKellogg's monkeyflowerMimulus kelloggiica 20 ft nw from Table Mtn. Rd., 6.1 mi n of Oroville.1000 feetLasthenia chrysostoma, Parvisedum pumilum, and short grassesScattered populationCorolla bright purple with yellow in throat
Triteleia hyacinthina (Lindley) GreeneWhite brodiaea, Wild hyacinthBrodiaea lacta7.5 mi. N of Orovi...
Dichelostemma multiflorum (Benth.) A.A. HellerMany flowered brodiaea, Manyflower brodiaea, Roundto...
Kelloggia galioides Torr.milk kelloggiaca. 3 mi s of Gallatin Beach on Eagle Lake, ca. 12 mi nw of S...
Diplacus kelloggii (Curran ex Greene) NesomKellogg's monkeyflowerMimulus kelloggiiMt. St. Helen
Trifolium depauperatum Desvauxpoverty clover;balloon clover;balloon sack clover;cowbag clover;dwarf ...
Micranthes marshallii (Greene) SmallMarshall's saxifrageSaxifraga marshalliitop of waterfall 1.5 mi...
Mimulus aurantiacus Curtis var. grandiflorus (Lindl.) D. M. Thomps.Sticky monkeyflowerMimulus bif...
Athysanus pusillus (Hooker) Greenecommon sandweed;sandweedathysane nainAthysanus pusillusBeatson's H...
Viola douglasii SteudelDouglas' golden violet, Douglas' violetsummit of Table Mt. in Oroville.summ...
Castilleja exserta (A.A. Heller) Chuang & HeckardOwl's clover, Purple owl's cloverOrthocarpus purp...
Geranium oreganum HowellOregon geraniumGeranium incisumW side of Cherokee Road ca 2 mi n of Oroville...
Limnanthes douglasii R. Br.Douglas' meadowfoamLinanthus douglasii300 yds n of Table Mt. rd 7.1 mi nn...
Streptanthus diversifolius S. WatsonVariableleaf jewelflower, Varied leaved jewelflowerTable Mount...
Hypochaeris glabra Linnaeussmooth cat's-earporcelle glabreHypochaeris glabraca. 50 ft nw of Table Mo...
Navarretia tagetina E. GreeneMarigold navarretia, Marigold pincushionplant, Navarretia10 mi s of C...
Triteleia hyacinthina (Lindley) GreeneWhite brodiaea, Wild hyacinthBrodiaea lacta7.5 mi. N of Orovi...
Dichelostemma multiflorum (Benth.) A.A. HellerMany flowered brodiaea, Manyflower brodiaea, Roundto...
Kelloggia galioides Torr.milk kelloggiaca. 3 mi s of Gallatin Beach on Eagle Lake, ca. 12 mi nw of S...
Diplacus kelloggii (Curran ex Greene) NesomKellogg's monkeyflowerMimulus kelloggiiMt. St. Helen
Trifolium depauperatum Desvauxpoverty clover;balloon clover;balloon sack clover;cowbag clover;dwarf ...
Micranthes marshallii (Greene) SmallMarshall's saxifrageSaxifraga marshalliitop of waterfall 1.5 mi...
Mimulus aurantiacus Curtis var. grandiflorus (Lindl.) D. M. Thomps.Sticky monkeyflowerMimulus bif...
Athysanus pusillus (Hooker) Greenecommon sandweed;sandweedathysane nainAthysanus pusillusBeatson's H...
Viola douglasii SteudelDouglas' golden violet, Douglas' violetsummit of Table Mt. in Oroville.summ...
Castilleja exserta (A.A. Heller) Chuang & HeckardOwl's clover, Purple owl's cloverOrthocarpus purp...
Geranium oreganum HowellOregon geraniumGeranium incisumW side of Cherokee Road ca 2 mi n of Oroville...
Limnanthes douglasii R. Br.Douglas' meadowfoamLinanthus douglasii300 yds n of Table Mt. rd 7.1 mi nn...
Streptanthus diversifolius S. WatsonVariableleaf jewelflower, Varied leaved jewelflowerTable Mount...
Hypochaeris glabra Linnaeussmooth cat's-earporcelle glabreHypochaeris glabraca. 50 ft nw of Table Mo...
Navarretia tagetina E. GreeneMarigold navarretia, Marigold pincushionplant, Navarretia10 mi s of C...
Triteleia hyacinthina (Lindley) GreeneWhite brodiaea, Wild hyacinthBrodiaea lacta7.5 mi. N of Orovi...
Dichelostemma multiflorum (Benth.) A.A. HellerMany flowered brodiaea, Manyflower brodiaea, Roundto...
Kelloggia galioides Torr.milk kelloggiaca. 3 mi s of Gallatin Beach on Eagle Lake, ca. 12 mi nw of S...