Pinguicula vulgaris Linnaeuscommon butterwort;bog violetvulgarisTrail to Crypt Lakemossy place along creek5000 feetMos
Poa pratensis LinnaeusKentucky bluegrasspratensisEast end Lakeview Ridgedamp wet bog5000 feetHerb
Leucanthemum vulgare LamarckCoyote Lake Nature Sanctuary: west of St. Francis on hwy 622 and south o...
Ranunculus gmelinii de CandolleGmelin's buttercup;Gmelin's water buttercup;small yellow water butter...
Pinguicula vulgaris Linnaeuscommon butterwort;bog violetvulgarisKinky Lake campsitespruce bog3800 fe...
Ranunculus flammula Linnaeuslesser spearwort;lesser buttercup;spearwort buttercup;creeping buttercup...
Corallorhiza striata Lindleystriped coralrootcorallorhize striéeSofa Creek beaver pondsmixed bog at ...
Geum rivale Linnaeuswater avens;purple avens;chocolate rootbenoîte des ruisseaux;benoîte pourpreMask...
Epilobium palustre Linnaeusmarsh willowherb;swamp willowherbépilobe palustre;épilobe des maraispalus...
Orthilia secunda (Linnaeus) Houseone-sided wintergreenpyrole unilatéralePyrola secundaTrail to Crypt...
Stachys palustris Linnaeusmarsh hedge-nettle;marsh woundwort;marsh betonyépiaire des marais;crapaudi...
Pinguicula caerulea Walterblueflower butterwortJacksonville, Rte. A 1-A near Intracoastal WaterwayRo...
Corallorhiza maculata (Rafinesque) Rafinesquespotted coralrootcorallorhize maculéeTrail to Crypt Lak...
Phleum alpinum Linnaeusalpine timothyfléole alpinePhleum commutatumTwin Lakes Trailrocky creek bed a...
Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindley ex L.C. Beck var. dilatatatall white bog orchidplatanthère dila...
Ranunculus grayi BrittonGray's buttercuprenoncule des régions froidesRanunculus verecundus Schlecht....
Poa pratensis LinnaeusKentucky bluegrasspratensisEast end Lakeview Ridgedamp wet bog5000 feetHerb
Leucanthemum vulgare LamarckCoyote Lake Nature Sanctuary: west of St. Francis on hwy 622 and south o...
Ranunculus gmelinii de CandolleGmelin's buttercup;Gmelin's water buttercup;small yellow water butter...
Pinguicula vulgaris Linnaeuscommon butterwort;bog violetvulgarisKinky Lake campsitespruce bog3800 fe...
Ranunculus flammula Linnaeuslesser spearwort;lesser buttercup;spearwort buttercup;creeping buttercup...
Corallorhiza striata Lindleystriped coralrootcorallorhize striéeSofa Creek beaver pondsmixed bog at ...
Geum rivale Linnaeuswater avens;purple avens;chocolate rootbenoîte des ruisseaux;benoîte pourpreMask...
Epilobium palustre Linnaeusmarsh willowherb;swamp willowherbépilobe palustre;épilobe des maraispalus...
Orthilia secunda (Linnaeus) Houseone-sided wintergreenpyrole unilatéralePyrola secundaTrail to Crypt...
Stachys palustris Linnaeusmarsh hedge-nettle;marsh woundwort;marsh betonyépiaire des marais;crapaudi...
Pinguicula caerulea Walterblueflower butterwortJacksonville, Rte. A 1-A near Intracoastal WaterwayRo...
Corallorhiza maculata (Rafinesque) Rafinesquespotted coralrootcorallorhize maculéeTrail to Crypt Lak...
Phleum alpinum Linnaeusalpine timothyfléole alpinePhleum commutatumTwin Lakes Trailrocky creek bed a...
Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindley ex L.C. Beck var. dilatatatall white bog orchidplatanthère dila...
Ranunculus grayi BrittonGray's buttercuprenoncule des régions froidesRanunculus verecundus Schlecht....
Poa pratensis LinnaeusKentucky bluegrasspratensisEast end Lakeview Ridgedamp wet bog5000 feetHerb
Leucanthemum vulgare LamarckCoyote Lake Nature Sanctuary: west of St. Francis on hwy 622 and south o...
Ranunculus gmelinii de CandolleGmelin's buttercup;Gmelin's water buttercup;small yellow water butter...