Corallorhiza striata Lindleystriped coralrootcorallorhize striéeSofa Creek beaver pondsmixed bog at south end of ponds5000 feetspruce-populus bo
Spiraea lucida Douglas ex Greeneshiny-leaved meadowsweetspirée à feuilles de bouleauSpiraea betulifo...
35483598Job Kuijt8312200m+50001524WLNP; Sofa Creek Beaver PondsMixed spruce-populus bog at south end...
Sofa Creek Beaver Pondsbeaver ponds5000 feetmixed P. contorta, var. latifolia + P. engelmanni
Corallorhiza trifida Châtelainearly coralrootcorallorhize trifideSofa Creek beaver pondsmixed bog at...
Corallorhiza striata Lindleystriped coralrootcorallorhize striéeWestcastlewoods near Castle River ca...
Listera borealis MorongListera borealisnorthern twaybladeSofa Creek Beaver Ponds: bog at S. end of P...
Corallorhiza maculata (Rafinesque) Rafinesquespotted coralrootcorallorhize maculéeSofa Creek beaver ...
Listera cordata (Linnaeus) R. Brownheart-leaved twaybladecordataSofa Creek beaver pondsmixed bog at ...
Stachys palustris Linnaeusmarsh hedge-nettle;marsh woundwort;marsh betonyépiaire des marais;crapaudi...
35493697Job Kuijt8312200m+50001524WLNP; Sofa Creek Beaver PondsMixed spruce-populus bog at south end...
Platanthera hyperborea (Linnaeus) Lindleyleafy northern green orchidplatanthère hyperboréaleHabenari...
Epilobium palustre Linnaeusmarsh willowherb;swamp willowherbépilobe palustre;épilobe des maraispalus...
Cornus stolonifera Michauxred-osier dogwood;red-osier cornel;red-stemmed dogwood;red willow;silky do...
Geranium richardsonii Fischer & Trautvetterwhite geranium;wild white geranium;Richardson's geranium;...
Platanthera unalascensis (Sprengel) KurtzAlaska rein orchidpipérie d'UnalaskaHabenaria unalascensisS...
Spiraea lucida Douglas ex Greeneshiny-leaved meadowsweetspirée à feuilles de bouleauSpiraea betulifo...
35483598Job Kuijt8312200m+50001524WLNP; Sofa Creek Beaver PondsMixed spruce-populus bog at south end...
Sofa Creek Beaver Pondsbeaver ponds5000 feetmixed P. contorta, var. latifolia + P. engelmanni
Corallorhiza trifida Châtelainearly coralrootcorallorhize trifideSofa Creek beaver pondsmixed bog at...
Corallorhiza striata Lindleystriped coralrootcorallorhize striéeWestcastlewoods near Castle River ca...
Listera borealis MorongListera borealisnorthern twaybladeSofa Creek Beaver Ponds: bog at S. end of P...
Corallorhiza maculata (Rafinesque) Rafinesquespotted coralrootcorallorhize maculéeSofa Creek beaver ...
Listera cordata (Linnaeus) R. Brownheart-leaved twaybladecordataSofa Creek beaver pondsmixed bog at ...
Stachys palustris Linnaeusmarsh hedge-nettle;marsh woundwort;marsh betonyépiaire des marais;crapaudi...
35493697Job Kuijt8312200m+50001524WLNP; Sofa Creek Beaver PondsMixed spruce-populus bog at south end...
Platanthera hyperborea (Linnaeus) Lindleyleafy northern green orchidplatanthère hyperboréaleHabenari...
Epilobium palustre Linnaeusmarsh willowherb;swamp willowherbépilobe palustre;épilobe des maraispalus...
Cornus stolonifera Michauxred-osier dogwood;red-osier cornel;red-stemmed dogwood;red willow;silky do...
Geranium richardsonii Fischer & Trautvetterwhite geranium;wild white geranium;Richardson's geranium;...
Platanthera unalascensis (Sprengel) KurtzAlaska rein orchidpipérie d'UnalaskaHabenaria unalascensisS...
Spiraea lucida Douglas ex Greeneshiny-leaved meadowsweetspirée à feuilles de bouleauSpiraea betulifo...
35483598Job Kuijt8312200m+50001524WLNP; Sofa Creek Beaver PondsMixed spruce-populus bog at south end...
Sofa Creek Beaver Pondsbeaver ponds5000 feetmixed P. contorta, var. latifolia + P. engelmanni