Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook) Nutt.Buck brush, Wedgeleaf ceanothusBell's Canyon, 2 miles W AngwinDry, rocky, south-facing slope. Chaparral dense1700 feetArctostaphylos, Photinia, AdenostomaErect, thorny shrub, 6 feet high. Flowers white, sweet smelling. Bark grayis
Ceanothus divergens ParryCalistoga ceanothusS. edge of Rincon Hilla. Santa Rosa Quadranglechaparral....
Penstemon cyananthus Hook.Wasatch beardtongueentrance to Logan Canyon, south side on ridgeT. Chishol...
Carex concinnoides Mackenzienorthwestern sedge;northwest sedgecarex bellâtreCarex concinnoidesS. SLO...
Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook) Nutt.Buck brush, Wedgeleaf ceanothusBranch Mt. quadrangle, 2.2. miles W.N...
Ceanothus dentatus Torr. & GrayDwarf ceanothus, Sandscrub ceanothus0.4 mile N.E. of Branch Mt. Plot...
Ceanothus velutinus Douglassnowbrush ceanothus;snowbrush;tobacco ceanothus;tobacco brush;sticky laur...
Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. cushingiana (Eastw.) J.E. Keeley et al.Cushing manzanitaArc...
Ceanothus cuneatus Nutt. var. ramulosus GreeneC. cuneatusBuck brushCeanothus ramulosusSkyline Blv...
Thysanocarpus curvipes Hookersand lacepod;sand fringepod;lacepod mustardThysanocarpus curvipesBell's...
Cyclanthera monticola GentryPine fores area; steep, moist shady canyon slope with mixed dominants F...
Cotoneaster lusitanica G.KlotzDry slope Bush, 5 feet high, several stems from root; flowers white
Ceanothus sonomensis J. HowellKeys to Ceanothus rigidusSonoma ceanothusSonoma quadrangle. Head of H...
Dicentra cucullaria (Linnaeus) BernhardiDutchman's breechesdicentre à capuchonYell Township.Steep sl...
Eriogonum heracleoides Nuttallwhorled wild buckwheatÉriogone fausse-berceElk Knob - Uintah CanyonJ.F...
Dichelostemma capitatum Alph. Wood ssp. capitatum Blue dicks, Bluedicks, Wild hyacinthBrodiaea ca...
Ceanothus divergens ParryCalistoga ceanothusS. edge of Rincon Hilla. Santa Rosa Quadranglechaparral....
Penstemon cyananthus Hook.Wasatch beardtongueentrance to Logan Canyon, south side on ridgeT. Chishol...
Carex concinnoides Mackenzienorthwestern sedge;northwest sedgecarex bellâtreCarex concinnoidesS. SLO...
Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook) Nutt.Buck brush, Wedgeleaf ceanothusBranch Mt. quadrangle, 2.2. miles W.N...
Ceanothus dentatus Torr. & GrayDwarf ceanothus, Sandscrub ceanothus0.4 mile N.E. of Branch Mt. Plot...
Ceanothus velutinus Douglassnowbrush ceanothus;snowbrush;tobacco ceanothus;tobacco brush;sticky laur...
Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. cushingiana (Eastw.) J.E. Keeley et al.Cushing manzanitaArc...
Ceanothus cuneatus Nutt. var. ramulosus GreeneC. cuneatusBuck brushCeanothus ramulosusSkyline Blv...
Thysanocarpus curvipes Hookersand lacepod;sand fringepod;lacepod mustardThysanocarpus curvipesBell's...
Cyclanthera monticola GentryPine fores area; steep, moist shady canyon slope with mixed dominants F...
Cotoneaster lusitanica G.KlotzDry slope Bush, 5 feet high, several stems from root; flowers white
Ceanothus sonomensis J. HowellKeys to Ceanothus rigidusSonoma ceanothusSonoma quadrangle. Head of H...
Dicentra cucullaria (Linnaeus) BernhardiDutchman's breechesdicentre à capuchonYell Township.Steep sl...
Eriogonum heracleoides Nuttallwhorled wild buckwheatÉriogone fausse-berceElk Knob - Uintah CanyonJ.F...
Dichelostemma capitatum Alph. Wood ssp. capitatum Blue dicks, Bluedicks, Wild hyacinthBrodiaea ca...
Ceanothus divergens ParryCalistoga ceanothusS. edge of Rincon Hilla. Santa Rosa Quadranglechaparral....
Penstemon cyananthus Hook.Wasatch beardtongueentrance to Logan Canyon, south side on ridgeT. Chishol...
Carex concinnoides Mackenzienorthwestern sedge;northwest sedgecarex bellâtreCarex concinnoidesS. SLO...