Arctostaphylos crustacea Eastw.Brittle leaf manzanitaUpper Coon Creek, San Luis Rangesummit of hillLarge burl at bas
Urtica dioica Linnaeusstinging nettle;common stinging nettle;big-sting nettle;wild nettle;tall nettl...
Arnica cordifolia Hookerheart-leaved arnica;heart-leaved leopardbanearnica à feuilles cordéesArnica ...
Caulanthus crassicaulis (Torrey) S. WatsonThick stemmed caulanthus, Thickstem wild cabbageroad to ...
Alopecurus magellanicus Lamarckalpine foxtailvulpin boréalAlopecurus alpinusUpper Lee Creek Drainage...
Arctostaphylos crustacea Eastw. ssp. rosei (Eastw.) V.T. Parker et al.Rose's manzanitaArctostaphy...
Phacelia rattanii A. GrayRattan's phaceliaFranklin Creek, west of AdelsideOn sandstone in chapparal...
Gentianella amarella subsp. acuta (Michaux) J.M. Gillettautumn dwarf gentiangentiane à pétales aigus...
Mertensia lanceolata (Pursh) DC.Lance-leaved bluebellsmertensie lancéoléeT. ChisholmS.W. of lake; sl...
Corallorhiza striata Lindleystriped coralrootcorallorhize striéeSofa Creek beaver pondsmixed bog at ...
Phacelia hastata Douglas ex LehmannPhacelia hastatasilver-leaved phacelia;silver-leaved scorpionweed...
Agoseris aurantiaca (Hooker) Greeneorange agoseris;mountain agoseris;orange false dandelion;orange-f...
Stellaria longipes Goldielong-stalked starwort;long-stalked stitchwort;long-stalked chickweed;Goldie...
Medicago polymorpha LinnaeusBur clover, Bur medic, California burcloverMedicago hispidaWildcat Cree...
Antennaria pulcherrima (Hooker) Greeneshowy pussytoes;handsome pussytoes;showy everlastingantennaire...
Trichostema lanceolatum Benth.VinegarweedBidwell Park, Chico, ca. 0.25 mi NE of jct Upper Park Road...
Urtica dioica Linnaeusstinging nettle;common stinging nettle;big-sting nettle;wild nettle;tall nettl...
Arnica cordifolia Hookerheart-leaved arnica;heart-leaved leopardbanearnica à feuilles cordéesArnica ...
Caulanthus crassicaulis (Torrey) S. WatsonThick stemmed caulanthus, Thickstem wild cabbageroad to ...
Alopecurus magellanicus Lamarckalpine foxtailvulpin boréalAlopecurus alpinusUpper Lee Creek Drainage...
Arctostaphylos crustacea Eastw. ssp. rosei (Eastw.) V.T. Parker et al.Rose's manzanitaArctostaphy...
Phacelia rattanii A. GrayRattan's phaceliaFranklin Creek, west of AdelsideOn sandstone in chapparal...
Gentianella amarella subsp. acuta (Michaux) J.M. Gillettautumn dwarf gentiangentiane à pétales aigus...
Mertensia lanceolata (Pursh) DC.Lance-leaved bluebellsmertensie lancéoléeT. ChisholmS.W. of lake; sl...
Corallorhiza striata Lindleystriped coralrootcorallorhize striéeSofa Creek beaver pondsmixed bog at ...
Phacelia hastata Douglas ex LehmannPhacelia hastatasilver-leaved phacelia;silver-leaved scorpionweed...
Agoseris aurantiaca (Hooker) Greeneorange agoseris;mountain agoseris;orange false dandelion;orange-f...
Stellaria longipes Goldielong-stalked starwort;long-stalked stitchwort;long-stalked chickweed;Goldie...
Medicago polymorpha LinnaeusBur clover, Bur medic, California burcloverMedicago hispidaWildcat Cree...
Antennaria pulcherrima (Hooker) Greeneshowy pussytoes;handsome pussytoes;showy everlastingantennaire...
Trichostema lanceolatum Benth.VinegarweedBidwell Park, Chico, ca. 0.25 mi NE of jct Upper Park Road...
Urtica dioica Linnaeusstinging nettle;common stinging nettle;big-sting nettle;wild nettle;tall nettl...
Arnica cordifolia Hookerheart-leaved arnica;heart-leaved leopardbanearnica à feuilles cordéesArnica ...
Caulanthus crassicaulis (Torrey) S. WatsonThick stemmed caulanthus, Thickstem wild cabbageroad to ...