Thysanocarpus radians Benth.Fringe pod, Ribbed fringepod, Showy fringe pod10 yd e of Cherokee Rd, ca. 2 mi e of intersection with Hwy 70, 6 mi ne of Oroville.Open area in Foothill Woodland.1000 feetAbundantFruits white-membranous with slender dark radiating nerve
Lupinus densiflorus Benthamdense-flowered lupine;white-whorled lupineLupinus densiflorusW side of Ch...
Cornus nuttallii Audubonwestern flowering dogwood;Pacific dogwood;mountain dogwood;Nuttall's dogwood...
Trifolium depauperatum Desvauxpoverty clover;balloon clover;balloon sack clover;cowbag clover;dwarf ...
Thysanocarpus radians Benth.Fringe pod, Ribbed fringepod, Showy fringe podCa. 4 mi s of Cherokee, ...
Lathyrus vestitus Nutt.Bolander's pea, Canyon Sweet Pea, Common pacific pea, Pacific peavineW side...
Geranium oreganum HowellOregon geraniumGeranium incisumW side of Cherokee Road ca 2 mi n of Oroville...
Streptanthus diversifolius S. WatsonVariableleaf jewelflower, Varied leaved jewelflowerTable Mount...
Eschscholzia californica Cham.California poppyeschscholzie de CalifornieNorth Table Mountain, 1/2 mi...
Triteleia hyacinthina (Lindley) GreeneWhite brodiaea, Wild hyacinthBrodiaea lacta7.5 mi. N of Orovi...
Sedella pumila (Benth.) Britton & RoseSierra mock stonecropParvisedum pumifumca 200 m. west of Cher...
Athysanus pusillus (Hooker) Greenecommon sandweed;sandweedathysane nainAthysanus pusillusBeatson's H...
Trifolium willdenovii SprengelWilldenow's clovertrèfle de WilldenowTrifolium tridentatumca 50 m W of...
Dichelostemma multiflorum (Benth.) A.A. HellerMany flowered brodiaea, Manyflower brodiaea, Roundto...
Castilleja attenuata (Gray) Chuang & HeckardNarrow leaved owl's clover, Valley tasselsOrthocarpus a...
Thysanocarpus curvipes Hookersand lacepod;sand fringepod;lacepod mustardThysanocarpus curvipes4.5 mi...
Lupinus densiflorus Benthamdense-flowered lupine;white-whorled lupineLupinus densiflorusW side of Ch...
Cornus nuttallii Audubonwestern flowering dogwood;Pacific dogwood;mountain dogwood;Nuttall's dogwood...
Trifolium depauperatum Desvauxpoverty clover;balloon clover;balloon sack clover;cowbag clover;dwarf ...
Thysanocarpus radians Benth.Fringe pod, Ribbed fringepod, Showy fringe podCa. 4 mi s of Cherokee, ...
Lathyrus vestitus Nutt.Bolander's pea, Canyon Sweet Pea, Common pacific pea, Pacific peavineW side...
Geranium oreganum HowellOregon geraniumGeranium incisumW side of Cherokee Road ca 2 mi n of Oroville...
Streptanthus diversifolius S. WatsonVariableleaf jewelflower, Varied leaved jewelflowerTable Mount...
Eschscholzia californica Cham.California poppyeschscholzie de CalifornieNorth Table Mountain, 1/2 mi...
Triteleia hyacinthina (Lindley) GreeneWhite brodiaea, Wild hyacinthBrodiaea lacta7.5 mi. N of Orovi...
Sedella pumila (Benth.) Britton & RoseSierra mock stonecropParvisedum pumifumca 200 m. west of Cher...
Athysanus pusillus (Hooker) Greenecommon sandweed;sandweedathysane nainAthysanus pusillusBeatson's H...
Trifolium willdenovii SprengelWilldenow's clovertrèfle de WilldenowTrifolium tridentatumca 50 m W of...
Dichelostemma multiflorum (Benth.) A.A. HellerMany flowered brodiaea, Manyflower brodiaea, Roundto...
Castilleja attenuata (Gray) Chuang & HeckardNarrow leaved owl's clover, Valley tasselsOrthocarpus a...
Thysanocarpus curvipes Hookersand lacepod;sand fringepod;lacepod mustardThysanocarpus curvipes4.5 mi...
Lupinus densiflorus Benthamdense-flowered lupine;white-whorled lupineLupinus densiflorusW side of Ch...
Cornus nuttallii Audubonwestern flowering dogwood;Pacific dogwood;mountain dogwood;Nuttall's dogwood...
Trifolium depauperatum Desvauxpoverty clover;balloon clover;balloon sack clover;cowbag clover;dwarf ...