Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburghwinter bentgrassagrostide d'hiverAlong U.S. #50, about 8 miles west of WarrensburgLow roadsideCollection of Lewis S. Ros
Lepidium campestre (Linnaeus) W.T. Aitonfield peppergrass;field pepperwort;field pepperweed;field cr...
Paspalum notatum FlueggébahiagrassPicayune, ca. 8 mi. NW of.Pasture.Collection of Lewis S. Ros
Croton monanthogynus Michx.prairie teaalong U.S. #50 about 10 miles west of WarrensburgRoadsid
Agrostis gigantea Rothredtop;water bentgrass;giant bentgrass;black bentgrass;black bent;redtop bentg...
Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburghwinter bentgrassagrostide d'hiverHatfieldSan...
Sisyrinchium nashii E.P. BicknellNash's blue-eyed grassSisyrinchium floridanumalong Fla. #373 about ...
Sorghum halepense (Linnaeus) PersoonJohnson grasssorgho d'Alephalepensealong Mo. #52, about 8 miles ...
Buglossoides arvensis (Linnaeus) I.M. Johnstoncorn gromwellgrémil des champsLithospermum arvensealon...
Sphenopholis obtusata (Michaux) Scribnerprairie wedgegrass;prairie wedgescalesphénopholis obtus;sphé...
Poa pratensis LinnaeusKentucky bluegrasspratensisalong Mo. #58, about 3 miles west of Pleasant HillR...
Poa sylvestris A. Graywoodland bluegrass;forest bluegrasspâturin des forêtssylvestrisalong U.S. #71,...
Hymenoxys hoopesii (A. Gray) BiernerOwl's clawsHelenium hoopesiiPicayune, 1 mi N. oflow grassy sava...
Eragrostis spectabilis (Pursh) Steudelpurple lovegrass;tumblegrass lovegrass;petticoat-climberéragro...
Holosteum umbellatum Linnaeusjagged chickweed;umbellate chickweed;umbellate jagged chickweedHolosteu...
Hordeum jubatum Linnaeusfoxtail barleyorge queue-d'écureuilalong Mo. #111, about 1 mile northwest of...
Lepidium campestre (Linnaeus) W.T. Aitonfield peppergrass;field pepperwort;field pepperweed;field cr...
Paspalum notatum FlueggébahiagrassPicayune, ca. 8 mi. NW of.Pasture.Collection of Lewis S. Ros
Croton monanthogynus Michx.prairie teaalong U.S. #50 about 10 miles west of WarrensburgRoadsid
Agrostis gigantea Rothredtop;water bentgrass;giant bentgrass;black bentgrass;black bent;redtop bentg...
Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburghwinter bentgrassagrostide d'hiverHatfieldSan...
Sisyrinchium nashii E.P. BicknellNash's blue-eyed grassSisyrinchium floridanumalong Fla. #373 about ...
Sorghum halepense (Linnaeus) PersoonJohnson grasssorgho d'Alephalepensealong Mo. #52, about 8 miles ...
Buglossoides arvensis (Linnaeus) I.M. Johnstoncorn gromwellgrémil des champsLithospermum arvensealon...
Sphenopholis obtusata (Michaux) Scribnerprairie wedgegrass;prairie wedgescalesphénopholis obtus;sphé...
Poa pratensis LinnaeusKentucky bluegrasspratensisalong Mo. #58, about 3 miles west of Pleasant HillR...
Poa sylvestris A. Graywoodland bluegrass;forest bluegrasspâturin des forêtssylvestrisalong U.S. #71,...
Hymenoxys hoopesii (A. Gray) BiernerOwl's clawsHelenium hoopesiiPicayune, 1 mi N. oflow grassy sava...
Eragrostis spectabilis (Pursh) Steudelpurple lovegrass;tumblegrass lovegrass;petticoat-climberéragro...
Holosteum umbellatum Linnaeusjagged chickweed;umbellate chickweed;umbellate jagged chickweedHolosteu...
Hordeum jubatum Linnaeusfoxtail barleyorge queue-d'écureuilalong Mo. #111, about 1 mile northwest of...
Lepidium campestre (Linnaeus) W.T. Aitonfield peppergrass;field pepperwort;field pepperweed;field cr...
Paspalum notatum FlueggébahiagrassPicayune, ca. 8 mi. NW of.Pasture.Collection of Lewis S. Ros
Croton monanthogynus Michx.prairie teaalong U.S. #50 about 10 miles west of WarrensburgRoadsid