Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburghwinter bentgrassagrostide d'hiverHatfieldSandy ground, vicinity of dum
Bromus hordeaceus Linnaeus subsp. hordeaceussoft bromebrome mouBromus mollisUpper Bidwell Park, near...
Diphasiastrum sitchense (Ruprecht) HolubSitka ground-cedarlycopode de SitkaLycopodium sitchensealpin...
Country= Belgium Comments= Ex Botanical Garden of the University of LiŠge (87/1945). Common names= B...
Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburghwinter bentgrassagrostide d'hiverAlong U.S. ...
Equisetum hyemale Linnaeuscommon scouring-rushprêle d'hiverwet grounds near Free School, Sat. Island...
Sorghum halepense (Linnaeus) PersoonJohnson grasssorgho d'Alephalepenseat corner of E. 1st Ave. and ...
Bromus inermis Leyssersmooth brome;awnless brome;Hungarian bromebrome inermeinermisInterpretive Bldg...
Achnatherum hymenoides (Roemer & Schultes) BarkworthOryzopsis hymenoidesIndian ricegrass; Indian mou...
Bromus tectorum Linnaeusdowny brome;cheatgrass;downy chess;drooping brome;June grassbrome des toits;...
Lolium pratense (Hudson) Darbyshiremeadow ryegrassfétuque des présFestuca pratensisalong Mo. #7, abo...
Dactylis glomerata Linnaeusorchard grass;cocksfootdactyle pelotonné;dactyle vulgaireglomerata10 mile...
Agrostis gigantea Rothredtop;water bentgrass;giant bentgrass;black bentgrass;black bent;redtop bentg...
Podagrostis humilis (Vasey) Björkmanalpine bentgrassagrostide humbleAgrostis thurberianaTwin Lakescr...
Country= Egypt Comments= In maisakker. Common names= Coast button grass, Comb fringe grass, Crowfoot...
Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuckermanupland bentgrass;upland bent;autumn bentgrass;autumn bent;peren...
Bromus hordeaceus Linnaeus subsp. hordeaceussoft bromebrome mouBromus mollisUpper Bidwell Park, near...
Diphasiastrum sitchense (Ruprecht) HolubSitka ground-cedarlycopode de SitkaLycopodium sitchensealpin...
Country= Belgium Comments= Ex Botanical Garden of the University of LiŠge (87/1945). Common names= B...
Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburghwinter bentgrassagrostide d'hiverAlong U.S. ...
Equisetum hyemale Linnaeuscommon scouring-rushprêle d'hiverwet grounds near Free School, Sat. Island...
Sorghum halepense (Linnaeus) PersoonJohnson grasssorgho d'Alephalepenseat corner of E. 1st Ave. and ...
Bromus inermis Leyssersmooth brome;awnless brome;Hungarian bromebrome inermeinermisInterpretive Bldg...
Achnatherum hymenoides (Roemer & Schultes) BarkworthOryzopsis hymenoidesIndian ricegrass; Indian mou...
Bromus tectorum Linnaeusdowny brome;cheatgrass;downy chess;drooping brome;June grassbrome des toits;...
Lolium pratense (Hudson) Darbyshiremeadow ryegrassfétuque des présFestuca pratensisalong Mo. #7, abo...
Dactylis glomerata Linnaeusorchard grass;cocksfootdactyle pelotonné;dactyle vulgaireglomerata10 mile...
Agrostis gigantea Rothredtop;water bentgrass;giant bentgrass;black bentgrass;black bent;redtop bentg...
Podagrostis humilis (Vasey) Björkmanalpine bentgrassagrostide humbleAgrostis thurberianaTwin Lakescr...
Country= Egypt Comments= In maisakker. Common names= Coast button grass, Comb fringe grass, Crowfoot...
Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuckermanupland bentgrass;upland bent;autumn bentgrass;autumn bent;peren...
Bromus hordeaceus Linnaeus subsp. hordeaceussoft bromebrome mouBromus mollisUpper Bidwell Park, near...
Diphasiastrum sitchense (Ruprecht) HolubSitka ground-cedarlycopode de SitkaLycopodium sitchensealpin...
Country= Belgium Comments= Ex Botanical Garden of the University of LiŠge (87/1945). Common names= B...