An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.M Phenes; “Cffico 21 Groceries 4 FRUAÏ, MAY 11TH MAGRATH, ALBERTA NOTICE REQUESTING TINDERS Tenders are requested by the undersigned up to 31st, M>.y 1956, for purchase of the West Hlf of Lot 2, Block 33, Plan MAG-ATIi 3046H excepting thereout the S 55 feet thereof also Lot 5, Block 97, Plan Mgrath 3985 J, all as more particularly described in the relative Ceetificates of. Title. Improvements on Lot 2 Ho Tenders necessarily accepted. Deputy Public Trustee, Land Titles Building, Calgary, Albeefe.. Dr. Fromm told his audience: "Automation is a milestone in the march of humanity. I...