An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.Phones: Office 21, Hardware 34 Groceries 4, Dry Goods 124. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28TH, 1955 MAGRiTH, ALBERTA MASKS ARE PRICED AT % AND 5^ Suiting I* 55i Sp. 255^ £6 BE PREPARED FOR TH-T HALLOWEEN PARTY. GET YOUR COSTUMES aND MASKS NOW. LITTLE STRAW HITS IN MULTI-COLOR 100 COSTUMES IN A VARIETY OF CHARACTER PORTRIYALS IN A MULTITUDE OF COLORS. have a couple of pieces of sateen suitable ''nuking costumes of Indians, Clowns, etc. Reg. OUTING FLANNEL For those pyjamas etc. see our selection of STRIPED, blue and maroon......75$ yd. FLOWERED in mauve, yellow & blue.......... 79^ yd PLAIN COLO...