An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.Phones: Office 21 Groceries 4 Hardware 34 Dry G^<^<ds 124 FRIDAY JUNE 23 ...................................................................................................................... MGtRATH, ALBERTA RAINWEAR that sheds water like a duck. CHILDRENS PIASTIC RAINCOATS with attached hoods Sizes - SmH, medium large. Colors - Red, green, blue plaids. Price - $1.85 to $2.39 // ' & WOMENS sizes in plain pLastic selling for $3.10. Colors - grey and green. PIAYTEX WATERPROOF DRYPER PAINTY to be used With Playtex flush away Dryper pacds. No more diaper drudgery. Only a cloud-soft ny...