An archive of the Milo Canopener.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Archives at Milo Library to digitize and display this content.trm.o CftNCPf/Vf/? TAMMY £P| Subscription Rates H Picked up or delivered.... $12.00 Mailed............................ .$20.00 USA mailed................... ..$24.00 Other countries.............. ..$36.00 Single copy...................... ....S2.00 Notices , Baby, Wedding,Shower announcements , news items , articles, and cards of thanks will not be charged for. The Canopener is printed on the last Friday of the month unless other wise stated on the directory page or calendar. Please have items, to be done on the '' computer, in at least a week early. You may mail them to: Milo Canop...