The article deals with the current problem regarding teacher values and skills. They give to this profession a valuable dimension and meaning. Selected considerations were made against complex and important ambiguous issues. The circumstances of forming many skills that are and should be supported by the teacher in the values are taken into account. They model patterns and ways of acting for a teacher who has an individual suit of qualities necessary for professional functioning.W artykule poruszono aktualny problem dotyczący wartości i umiejętności nauczyciela. Nadają one tej profesji wartościowego wymiaru i sensu. Poprowadzone zostały wybrane rozważania wobec złożonych i ważnych wieloznacznych zagadnień. Uwzględniono okoliczności formowan...
The urgent need of change in the contemporary school is the subject of debate, which is undertaken a...
In the era of relativity standards of human coexistence, multiplying pathologies and decreasing spir...
Remembering the experiences connected with your own former teachers is especially important to stude...
The article explains what the pedagogical concept of Celestin Freinet is. It refers to the contempor...
Szkoła to przestrzeń komunikacji dziecka z dorosłym. Komuni-kacja ucznia i nauczyciela odgrywa znacz...
Developing interpersonal skill by taking part in various social skills trainings is the crucial fact...
Activity is treated as one of the basic determinants of a human behavior. It becomes essential when ...
A teacher is to be responsible for the course of communicative situations in a classroom. First of ...
The paper is devoted to the features of personality development in physically challenged individuals...
Professional work of teachers requires the introduction of the principles of good time management. T...
Educational and preventive projects are currently very important and often used tool in teacher’s wo...
Introduction: Human brain is set of connections, circuits and countless branches and blockers. Indiv...
This article presents certain issues of the functioning of the child with hearing impairment as a st...
Values are the main factor of people’s aspirations and motivations. They are also favourable to crea...
An appropriate daily schedule takes into account the requirements of pedagogy and hygiene according ...
The urgent need of change in the contemporary school is the subject of debate, which is undertaken a...
In the era of relativity standards of human coexistence, multiplying pathologies and decreasing spir...
Remembering the experiences connected with your own former teachers is especially important to stude...
The article explains what the pedagogical concept of Celestin Freinet is. It refers to the contempor...
Szkoła to przestrzeń komunikacji dziecka z dorosłym. Komuni-kacja ucznia i nauczyciela odgrywa znacz...
Developing interpersonal skill by taking part in various social skills trainings is the crucial fact...
Activity is treated as one of the basic determinants of a human behavior. It becomes essential when ...
A teacher is to be responsible for the course of communicative situations in a classroom. First of ...
The paper is devoted to the features of personality development in physically challenged individuals...
Professional work of teachers requires the introduction of the principles of good time management. T...
Educational and preventive projects are currently very important and often used tool in teacher’s wo...
Introduction: Human brain is set of connections, circuits and countless branches and blockers. Indiv...
This article presents certain issues of the functioning of the child with hearing impairment as a st...
Values are the main factor of people’s aspirations and motivations. They are also favourable to crea...
An appropriate daily schedule takes into account the requirements of pedagogy and hygiene according ...
The urgent need of change in the contemporary school is the subject of debate, which is undertaken a...
In the era of relativity standards of human coexistence, multiplying pathologies and decreasing spir...
Remembering the experiences connected with your own former teachers is especially important to stude...