Cartoon depicts two Vietnamese men running from an explosion, Blam! Bombing in North Vietnam continues after the rejection of President Lyndon B. Johnson\u27s peace bids by North Vietnam and China.
Cartoon depicts giant hands China and USA controlling puppets North Vietnam and South Vietnam...
Title devised by publisher.; Published in the Courier Mail.; Part of the Stewart McCrae cartoon coll...
Cartoon depicts Uncle Sam holding a lit candle surrounded by nuclear weapons. Growing tensions in S...
Cartoon depicts two Vietnamese men running from an explosion, Blam! Bombing in North Vietnam cont...
Cartoon depicts an angry Our Boys grabbing So Called Intellectuals by the shirt collar. Peace s...
This cartoon bookends the withdrawal of French forces from Indochina in 1954 with the fall of Saigon...
Cartoon depicts Uncle Sam trying to pull his arm out of Tar Baby\u27s Vietnam mouth. Public Opinio...
Cartoon depicts Lyndon B. Johnson saying to Viet Cong, Come Let Us Reason Together, while leanin...
Cartoon depicts, against the backdrop of the State of the Union, President Lyndon B. Johnson juggl...
This cartoon compares the conduct of U.S. forces at the village of My Lai, South Vietnam, on March 1...
Title devised by publisher.; Published in the Courier Mail.; Part of the Stewart McCrae cartoon coll...
Cartoon depicts the moon laughing at the damaged earth as it reacts to the October 30, 1961 explosio...
Cartoon depicts a determined Uncle Sam leaves a military cemetery, Vietnam. Debates continue abou...
The American war in Vietnam was accompanied by a vigorous growth in the use of political cartoons as...
Cartoon depicts Fidel Castro throwing a tantrum after reading newspaper coverage of Vietnam. Newspa...
Cartoon depicts giant hands China and USA controlling puppets North Vietnam and South Vietnam...
Title devised by publisher.; Published in the Courier Mail.; Part of the Stewart McCrae cartoon coll...
Cartoon depicts Uncle Sam holding a lit candle surrounded by nuclear weapons. Growing tensions in S...
Cartoon depicts two Vietnamese men running from an explosion, Blam! Bombing in North Vietnam cont...
Cartoon depicts an angry Our Boys grabbing So Called Intellectuals by the shirt collar. Peace s...
This cartoon bookends the withdrawal of French forces from Indochina in 1954 with the fall of Saigon...
Cartoon depicts Uncle Sam trying to pull his arm out of Tar Baby\u27s Vietnam mouth. Public Opinio...
Cartoon depicts Lyndon B. Johnson saying to Viet Cong, Come Let Us Reason Together, while leanin...
Cartoon depicts, against the backdrop of the State of the Union, President Lyndon B. Johnson juggl...
This cartoon compares the conduct of U.S. forces at the village of My Lai, South Vietnam, on March 1...
Title devised by publisher.; Published in the Courier Mail.; Part of the Stewart McCrae cartoon coll...
Cartoon depicts the moon laughing at the damaged earth as it reacts to the October 30, 1961 explosio...
Cartoon depicts a determined Uncle Sam leaves a military cemetery, Vietnam. Debates continue abou...
The American war in Vietnam was accompanied by a vigorous growth in the use of political cartoons as...
Cartoon depicts Fidel Castro throwing a tantrum after reading newspaper coverage of Vietnam. Newspa...
Cartoon depicts giant hands China and USA controlling puppets North Vietnam and South Vietnam...
Title devised by publisher.; Published in the Courier Mail.; Part of the Stewart McCrae cartoon coll...
Cartoon depicts Uncle Sam holding a lit candle surrounded by nuclear weapons. Growing tensions in S...