The purpose of this research is find factors that strong influential in realizing home and healthfulenvironmental in high density occupancy in Jakarta toward creative economy. Methods used is theapproach quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative approach by distributed the questionnaire to thecommunity the inhabitants of the and authorities or agencies related, while qualitative by observationand forum of communities group discussions (FGD) to be able to do identification many aspect thataffects quality levels cot and healthful environmental. Next done analysis of multiple regression and thesimultaneous to data the questionnaire, test variable the most dominant an influential in realizingoccupancy and healthful environmental.Tujuan dar...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengetahui model edukasi atau sosialisasi yang tepat u...
Kamal Muara adalah permukiman nelayan perkotaan di pesisir Utara Jakarta yang keberadaannya ternyata...
The presence of a building, whether large or small, brings impacts on the environment. Residential h...
The housing development is done by city kampong society self-supportingly at its growth become very ...
ewujudkan rumah dan lingkungan tetap sehat ini diadakan karena kehadiran beberapa usahaIMKM di hunia...
Population growth in South Jakarta increased rapidly, as an impact of natural population growth and ...
Lahan adalah Bagian dari bentang alam (landscape) yang mencakup pengertian lingkungan fisik (iklim,...
City development in Indonesia, especially in East Jakarta has affected the changing of land use. The...
Sebagaimana ditentukan oleh Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), pertumbuhan kota yang baik ditanda...
The purpose of this research to describe the social capital that is owned by the working group membe...
Permukiman kumuh dapat terjadi pada hampir semua kota besar di dunia yang menghadapi kompleksitasper...
The Objective of the research is to determine the relationship between the level of education the co...
Kampung kota yang sebagian besar kondisi fisiknya sangat memprihatinkan serta sarat dengan permasal...
Healthy city is one of the public health problems. The quick of growth population and development ac...
South Jakarta is one of region in the DKI Jakarta facing an enormous growth in all aspects of develo...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengetahui model edukasi atau sosialisasi yang tepat u...
Kamal Muara adalah permukiman nelayan perkotaan di pesisir Utara Jakarta yang keberadaannya ternyata...
The presence of a building, whether large or small, brings impacts on the environment. Residential h...
The housing development is done by city kampong society self-supportingly at its growth become very ...
ewujudkan rumah dan lingkungan tetap sehat ini diadakan karena kehadiran beberapa usahaIMKM di hunia...
Population growth in South Jakarta increased rapidly, as an impact of natural population growth and ...
Lahan adalah Bagian dari bentang alam (landscape) yang mencakup pengertian lingkungan fisik (iklim,...
City development in Indonesia, especially in East Jakarta has affected the changing of land use. The...
Sebagaimana ditentukan oleh Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), pertumbuhan kota yang baik ditanda...
The purpose of this research to describe the social capital that is owned by the working group membe...
Permukiman kumuh dapat terjadi pada hampir semua kota besar di dunia yang menghadapi kompleksitasper...
The Objective of the research is to determine the relationship between the level of education the co...
Kampung kota yang sebagian besar kondisi fisiknya sangat memprihatinkan serta sarat dengan permasal...
Healthy city is one of the public health problems. The quick of growth population and development ac...
South Jakarta is one of region in the DKI Jakarta facing an enormous growth in all aspects of develo...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengetahui model edukasi atau sosialisasi yang tepat u...
Kamal Muara adalah permukiman nelayan perkotaan di pesisir Utara Jakarta yang keberadaannya ternyata...
The presence of a building, whether large or small, brings impacts on the environment. Residential h...