This file contains the raw cuticular hydrocarbon peak areas of Formica truncorum eggs. Retention times and peak areas shown
data per individual wasp on origin of colony, patriline, reproductive status (NW: non-reproductive w...
These files provide data related to different activities in the hydrocarbon supply chain (HCSC). HCS...
The table gives relative abundances for all cuticular hydrocarbons detected. It also contains absolu...
The untransformed peak areas, produced by integrating GC-MS output files in Chemstation. The data ar...
The data file contains CHC data from an artificial disruptive selection experiment conducted on a la...
For each sampled individual, its age (adult or nymph), gender (female or male), strain (Rennes or Di...
For each sampled individual that had both full siblings (FS) and half-siblings (HS), its age (adult ...
File containing the attractiveness, desiccation resistance and cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) data
The file contains a table with information on experimental treatments, behavioural castes, and all C...
This table gives an overview of the cuticular hydrocarbons identified and quantified in the surface ...
File containing the relative area of hydrocarbon peaks in the profiles of male Callosobruchus macula...
CSV-file with raw peak areas of cuticular compounds on A. mellifera queens, virgin queens and worker...
cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles of 10 Philanthinae species' female wasps, analyzed by GC-MS, su...
This datafile contains the results of the CHC analysis of brood carers and foragers from Vg-like A k...
File containing the mating success, courtship rate, and cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) data
data per individual wasp on origin of colony, patriline, reproductive status (NW: non-reproductive w...
These files provide data related to different activities in the hydrocarbon supply chain (HCSC). HCS...
The table gives relative abundances for all cuticular hydrocarbons detected. It also contains absolu...
The untransformed peak areas, produced by integrating GC-MS output files in Chemstation. The data ar...
The data file contains CHC data from an artificial disruptive selection experiment conducted on a la...
For each sampled individual, its age (adult or nymph), gender (female or male), strain (Rennes or Di...
For each sampled individual that had both full siblings (FS) and half-siblings (HS), its age (adult ...
File containing the attractiveness, desiccation resistance and cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) data
The file contains a table with information on experimental treatments, behavioural castes, and all C...
This table gives an overview of the cuticular hydrocarbons identified and quantified in the surface ...
File containing the relative area of hydrocarbon peaks in the profiles of male Callosobruchus macula...
CSV-file with raw peak areas of cuticular compounds on A. mellifera queens, virgin queens and worker...
cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles of 10 Philanthinae species' female wasps, analyzed by GC-MS, su...
This datafile contains the results of the CHC analysis of brood carers and foragers from Vg-like A k...
File containing the mating success, courtship rate, and cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) data
data per individual wasp on origin of colony, patriline, reproductive status (NW: non-reproductive w...
These files provide data related to different activities in the hydrocarbon supply chain (HCSC). HCS...
The table gives relative abundances for all cuticular hydrocarbons detected. It also contains absolu...