The table gives relative abundances for all cuticular hydrocarbons detected. It also contains absolute total CHC quantities (in µg) as one column. Most of the analyses were conducted only considering the "original colony" treatment. The table also includes the "isolation" treatment which allows to investigate effects of the social environment
We present the discovery in TMC-1 of vinyl acetylene, CH2CHCCH, and the detection, for the first tim...
Radiocarbon ((14)C) is a radioactive isotope that is useful for determining the age and cycling of c...
Proportion of hydrocarbon components for individuals of different species (individuals per species f...
The individual data show diversity indices, percentages of each cuticular hydrocarbon, and HL data o...
The data file contains CHC data from an artificial disruptive selection experiment conducted on a la...
<p>Cuticular hydrocarbons per dry weight (A) and per surface area (B), across three insect orders (n...
For each sampled individual that had both full siblings (FS) and half-siblings (HS), its age (adult ...
This table gives an overview of the cuticular hydrocarbons identified and quantified in the surface ...
Table S1. Composition of the cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) of the 14 genetic lines of Altica. Relati...
The untransformed peak areas, produced by integrating GC-MS output files in Chemstation. The data ar...
<p>The table shows the percentage in the profile (mean and SE), the transmission index (mean and SE)...
<p>The mean precentgaes and SD of each compound excrated from queens, workers and males from each st...
data per individual wasp on origin of colony, patriline, reproductive status (NW: non-reproductive w...
This datafile contains the results of the CHC analysis of brood carers and foragers from Vg-like A k...
<p>The representative peak for each cluster is highlighted in bold<sup>1</sup>. Clusters, peaks with...
We present the discovery in TMC-1 of vinyl acetylene, CH2CHCCH, and the detection, for the first tim...
Radiocarbon ((14)C) is a radioactive isotope that is useful for determining the age and cycling of c...
Proportion of hydrocarbon components for individuals of different species (individuals per species f...
The individual data show diversity indices, percentages of each cuticular hydrocarbon, and HL data o...
The data file contains CHC data from an artificial disruptive selection experiment conducted on a la...
<p>Cuticular hydrocarbons per dry weight (A) and per surface area (B), across three insect orders (n...
For each sampled individual that had both full siblings (FS) and half-siblings (HS), its age (adult ...
This table gives an overview of the cuticular hydrocarbons identified and quantified in the surface ...
Table S1. Composition of the cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) of the 14 genetic lines of Altica. Relati...
The untransformed peak areas, produced by integrating GC-MS output files in Chemstation. The data ar...
<p>The table shows the percentage in the profile (mean and SE), the transmission index (mean and SE)...
<p>The mean precentgaes and SD of each compound excrated from queens, workers and males from each st...
data per individual wasp on origin of colony, patriline, reproductive status (NW: non-reproductive w...
This datafile contains the results of the CHC analysis of brood carers and foragers from Vg-like A k...
<p>The representative peak for each cluster is highlighted in bold<sup>1</sup>. Clusters, peaks with...
We present the discovery in TMC-1 of vinyl acetylene, CH2CHCCH, and the detection, for the first tim...
Radiocarbon ((14)C) is a radioactive isotope that is useful for determining the age and cycling of c...
Proportion of hydrocarbon components for individuals of different species (individuals per species f...