Summary of diversification models in BAMM compared across a gradient of values for the Poison process governing the number of rate shifts
Files used in diversification analyses in Revbayes and BAMM, including Revbayes and R scripts and su...
Plot of the difference between speciation rates between all traits. When the difference overlaps zer...
Parameters for algorithms used to predict dbh (t0) from dbh (t1) for ingrowth, ongrowth, and nongrow...
Summary of diversification models in BAMM compared across a gradient of values for the Poison proces...
Summary of diversification models in BAMM compared across a gradient of values for the Poison proces...
Figure S3. Maximum shift credibility tree from BAMM showing diversification rate shifts across Squam...
Figure S4. Maximum shift credibility tree from BAMM showing diversification rate shifts across Squam...
Figure S6. All the results for the BAMM analyses using a range of values for the Poisson prior proce...
Credible set of configuration shifts inferred with BAMM and five different values of the Poison prio...
Figure S5. Maximum shift credibility tree from BAMM showing diversification rate shifts across Squam...
Rate-through-time plot as inferred with RevBayes for Parnassiinae. Net diversification rates signifi...
Input and output files of BAMM analyses conducted under six different values for the prior on the ex...
We used BAMM 2.5.0. (Bayesian Analysis of Macroevolutionary Mixtures), to examine rate heterogeneity...
Output for GLMM analysis to test for separate effect of trophic rank within medium/good dispersing s...
Details of the two steps of the analysis testing for the statistical significance of diversity and i...
Files used in diversification analyses in Revbayes and BAMM, including Revbayes and R scripts and su...
Plot of the difference between speciation rates between all traits. When the difference overlaps zer...
Parameters for algorithms used to predict dbh (t0) from dbh (t1) for ingrowth, ongrowth, and nongrow...
Summary of diversification models in BAMM compared across a gradient of values for the Poison proces...
Summary of diversification models in BAMM compared across a gradient of values for the Poison proces...
Figure S3. Maximum shift credibility tree from BAMM showing diversification rate shifts across Squam...
Figure S4. Maximum shift credibility tree from BAMM showing diversification rate shifts across Squam...
Figure S6. All the results for the BAMM analyses using a range of values for the Poisson prior proce...
Credible set of configuration shifts inferred with BAMM and five different values of the Poison prio...
Figure S5. Maximum shift credibility tree from BAMM showing diversification rate shifts across Squam...
Rate-through-time plot as inferred with RevBayes for Parnassiinae. Net diversification rates signifi...
Input and output files of BAMM analyses conducted under six different values for the prior on the ex...
We used BAMM 2.5.0. (Bayesian Analysis of Macroevolutionary Mixtures), to examine rate heterogeneity...
Output for GLMM analysis to test for separate effect of trophic rank within medium/good dispersing s...
Details of the two steps of the analysis testing for the statistical significance of diversity and i...
Files used in diversification analyses in Revbayes and BAMM, including Revbayes and R scripts and su...
Plot of the difference between speciation rates between all traits. When the difference overlaps zer...
Parameters for algorithms used to predict dbh (t0) from dbh (t1) for ingrowth, ongrowth, and nongrow...