R code for simulating expected distributions of crown ages conditioned on stem age and extant diversity for sets of lineages
<p>Shaded nodes indicate sampled individuals for which we have genotype data and unshaded nodes indi...
This R script, when executed, generates simulated phylogenies and fossil records under a budding sce...
Stem and crown age estimates for Gesneriaceae clades and outgroups. For comparison, the ages of stem...
R code for simulating expected distributions of crown ages conditioned on stem age and extant divers...
The supplemental data archives include trees and stem ages simulated under constant-rate birth-death...
Code for R (R Development Core Team 2017) that calculates an adjacency matrix from a phylogenetic tr...
The Rdata files are simulated phylogenies and lineage through time plot of these simulated phylogeni...
The Rdata files are simulated phylogenies and lineage through time plot of these simulated phylogeni...
<p>Lineage number (N) correspond to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal...
R scripts of simulations of phylogenetic trees under trait-dependent diversification models BISSE an...
This data package is composed of three components: 1. Appendices: appendices 1-5 which are suppleme...
The R code file is commented and can be used to simulate data, illustrated in figures in the publica...
Phylogenetic estimate of flowering plants and phylogenies used in simulations. Original tree is in ...
A simulated, non-ultrametric phylogenetic tree generated using the birthdeath.tree function in the g...
This R script, when executed, generates simulated phylogenies and fossil records under a budding sce...
<p>Shaded nodes indicate sampled individuals for which we have genotype data and unshaded nodes indi...
This R script, when executed, generates simulated phylogenies and fossil records under a budding sce...
Stem and crown age estimates for Gesneriaceae clades and outgroups. For comparison, the ages of stem...
R code for simulating expected distributions of crown ages conditioned on stem age and extant divers...
The supplemental data archives include trees and stem ages simulated under constant-rate birth-death...
Code for R (R Development Core Team 2017) that calculates an adjacency matrix from a phylogenetic tr...
The Rdata files are simulated phylogenies and lineage through time plot of these simulated phylogeni...
The Rdata files are simulated phylogenies and lineage through time plot of these simulated phylogeni...
<p>Lineage number (N) correspond to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal...
R scripts of simulations of phylogenetic trees under trait-dependent diversification models BISSE an...
This data package is composed of three components: 1. Appendices: appendices 1-5 which are suppleme...
The R code file is commented and can be used to simulate data, illustrated in figures in the publica...
Phylogenetic estimate of flowering plants and phylogenies used in simulations. Original tree is in ...
A simulated, non-ultrametric phylogenetic tree generated using the birthdeath.tree function in the g...
This R script, when executed, generates simulated phylogenies and fossil records under a budding sce...
<p>Shaded nodes indicate sampled individuals for which we have genotype data and unshaded nodes indi...
This R script, when executed, generates simulated phylogenies and fossil records under a budding sce...
Stem and crown age estimates for Gesneriaceae clades and outgroups. For comparison, the ages of stem...