ML analyses and associated bootstrapping (1,000 replicates) using the MPI-parallelized RAxML 7.0.4 software (Stamatakis, 2006b). GTRCAT approximation of models (Stamatakis, 2006a) was used for ML bootstrapping (1,000 replicates.
Maximum Likelihood Bootstrap topology resulting from ML analyses in the program RAxM
Phylogeny reconstructed from concatenated nucleotide matrix of single genes in RAXML version 8. A si...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset vi, COVERAGE_ROG...
ML analyses and associated bootstrapping (1,000 replicates) using the MPI-parallelized RAxML 7.0.4 s...
ML analyses and associated bootstrapping (1,000 replicates) using the MPI-parallelized RAxML 7.0.4 s...
ML tree from RAxML analysis of 368 sequences (including duplicates). Nodes annotated with bootstrap ...
ML tree inferred through concatenated analysis of all 3384 loci. Node values represent bootstrap val...
ML bootstrap majority rule consensus tree topologies from 300-replicate RAxML bootstrap searches usi...
ML tree inferred from the reference assembly data matrix. The phylogenetic tree was inferred with RA...
This file contains ML trees estimated by RAxML using MVFtools in 500kb non-overlapping windows. Thes...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset iv, ALL_ROGU
<p>Some clusters collapsed. Numbers in parentheses following names are number of sequences within th...
Best tree with bootstraps from RAxML run using the full raxml data matrix. This analysis was unparti...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset i, AL
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 rapid bootstrap replicates with outgroup Nematocer
Maximum Likelihood Bootstrap topology resulting from ML analyses in the program RAxM
Phylogeny reconstructed from concatenated nucleotide matrix of single genes in RAXML version 8. A si...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset vi, COVERAGE_ROG...
ML analyses and associated bootstrapping (1,000 replicates) using the MPI-parallelized RAxML 7.0.4 s...
ML analyses and associated bootstrapping (1,000 replicates) using the MPI-parallelized RAxML 7.0.4 s...
ML tree from RAxML analysis of 368 sequences (including duplicates). Nodes annotated with bootstrap ...
ML tree inferred through concatenated analysis of all 3384 loci. Node values represent bootstrap val...
ML bootstrap majority rule consensus tree topologies from 300-replicate RAxML bootstrap searches usi...
ML tree inferred from the reference assembly data matrix. The phylogenetic tree was inferred with RA...
This file contains ML trees estimated by RAxML using MVFtools in 500kb non-overlapping windows. Thes...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset iv, ALL_ROGU
<p>Some clusters collapsed. Numbers in parentheses following names are number of sequences within th...
Best tree with bootstraps from RAxML run using the full raxml data matrix. This analysis was unparti...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset i, AL
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 rapid bootstrap replicates with outgroup Nematocer
Maximum Likelihood Bootstrap topology resulting from ML analyses in the program RAxM
Phylogeny reconstructed from concatenated nucleotide matrix of single genes in RAXML version 8. A si...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset vi, COVERAGE_ROG...