Best tree with bootstraps from RAxML run using the full raxml data matrix. This analysis was unpartitioned
Resulting phylogeny from the RAxML, unpartitioned, UCE-only data, 70% occupancy analysis
Phylip file for the RAxML, unpartitioned, exon-only data, 50% occupancy analysis
Resulting phylogeny from the RAxML, unpartitioned, UCE-only data, 50% occupancy analysis
Most likely tree resulting from RAxML analysis of Matrix 6, annotated with bootstrap values
Tree from RAxML, unrooted, 300 tips, based on analysis of Phylip file in this repository, with RELL ...
ML tree from RAxML analysis of 368 sequences (including duplicates). Nodes annotated with bootstrap ...
20 RAxML Best trees (GTR+G) + 20 Bipartitions (GTR+G) obtained from five different partitions (missi...
This is the tree file containing the results of Maximum Likelihood analyses in the program RAxM
ML tree inferred through concatenated analysis of all 3384 loci. Node values represent bootstrap val...
ML analyses and associated bootstrapping (1,000 replicates) using the MPI-parallelized RAxML 7.0.4 s...
Resulting phylogeny from the RAxML, unpartitioned, combined data, 25% occupancy analysis
Phylip file for the RAxML, unpartitioned, exon-only data, 70% occupancy analysis
RAxML best tree with bootstrap values estimated from concatenation of 101 orthogroups alignments. Th...
RaxML input tree file of 105 topologies for SH test of matrix “Allsites_alltaxa”
The maximum likelihood tree inferred in RaxML, used as a starting tree in the BEAST analysis
Resulting phylogeny from the RAxML, unpartitioned, UCE-only data, 70% occupancy analysis
Phylip file for the RAxML, unpartitioned, exon-only data, 50% occupancy analysis
Resulting phylogeny from the RAxML, unpartitioned, UCE-only data, 50% occupancy analysis
Most likely tree resulting from RAxML analysis of Matrix 6, annotated with bootstrap values
Tree from RAxML, unrooted, 300 tips, based on analysis of Phylip file in this repository, with RELL ...
ML tree from RAxML analysis of 368 sequences (including duplicates). Nodes annotated with bootstrap ...
20 RAxML Best trees (GTR+G) + 20 Bipartitions (GTR+G) obtained from five different partitions (missi...
This is the tree file containing the results of Maximum Likelihood analyses in the program RAxM
ML tree inferred through concatenated analysis of all 3384 loci. Node values represent bootstrap val...
ML analyses and associated bootstrapping (1,000 replicates) using the MPI-parallelized RAxML 7.0.4 s...
Resulting phylogeny from the RAxML, unpartitioned, combined data, 25% occupancy analysis
Phylip file for the RAxML, unpartitioned, exon-only data, 70% occupancy analysis
RAxML best tree with bootstrap values estimated from concatenation of 101 orthogroups alignments. Th...
RaxML input tree file of 105 topologies for SH test of matrix “Allsites_alltaxa”
The maximum likelihood tree inferred in RaxML, used as a starting tree in the BEAST analysis
Resulting phylogeny from the RAxML, unpartitioned, UCE-only data, 70% occupancy analysis
Phylip file for the RAxML, unpartitioned, exon-only data, 50% occupancy analysis
Resulting phylogeny from the RAxML, unpartitioned, UCE-only data, 50% occupancy analysis