Peraturan Presiden Nomor 20 Tahun 2018 tentang Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asingmenimbulkan keresahan di masyarakat. Peraturan tersebut memperlihatkan keberpihakan,kemudahan yang diberikan Pemerintah kepada Tenaga Kerja Asing (TKA). KeberpihakanPemerintah terhadap TKA terlihat pada Pasal 9, ijin Menggunakan TKA tidak diperlukan lagi,cukup dengan Rencana Penggunaan TKA. Pasal 10, TKA yang bekerja di bidang yangdibutuhkan Pemerintah juga tidak diperlukan ijin dulu. Hal tersebut tidak adil jika dilihatdengan prinsip keadilan yang diungkapkan Rawls dan Hamid A. Tamimi, bahwa keadilanlebih kepada jika tujuan negara dapat terwujud, berkaitan dengan mewujudkankesejahteraan umum. Kemudahan terhadap TKA kontradiktif dengan tingginya angkapengangguran di...
Presidential Regulations can be interpreted as laws and regulations made by the President. Then, the...
Isu serbuan 10 juta Tenaga Kerja Asing asal Tiongkok menimbulkan spekulasi terkait persoalan aktivit...
Fenomena Globalisasai Revolusi Industri 4.0, barang, jasa, uang dan tenaga kerja merupakan fenomena ...
The use of foreign workers in Indonesia is increasingly in demand by companies. The Ministry of Manp...
The effectiveness and urgency of the use of foreign workers in Indonesia is very effective and urgen...
Kebijakan pemerintah terhadap Tenaga Kerja Asing (TKA) bersifatselektif terhadap jabatan-jabatan ter...
Perlindungan terhadap tenaga kerja Indonesia yang bekerja di luar negeri merupakan bagian dari kewaj...
The Republic of Indonesia was founded, the Indonesian people have realized that work is a human need...
Penerbitan Perpres No.20 Tahun 2018 tentang Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing telah menggantikan Perpres...
Indeed, the Indonesian state prioritizes the placement of domestic workers over foreign workers in a...
Abolition of speak Indonesian ability for foreign workers (TKA) it certainly will make Indonesia as ...
The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that every citizen has the right to work a...
Enactment of Presidential Regulation No. 20 of 2018 reaps the pros and cons in the community. This i...
Kehadiran Tenaga Kerja Asing (TKA) di PT. Solusi Bangun Andalas, memberikan konsekuensi pelanggaran ...
With the ease with which the permission of Foreign Workers (TKA) to enter Indonesia is expected to h...
Presidential Regulations can be interpreted as laws and regulations made by the President. Then, the...
Isu serbuan 10 juta Tenaga Kerja Asing asal Tiongkok menimbulkan spekulasi terkait persoalan aktivit...
Fenomena Globalisasai Revolusi Industri 4.0, barang, jasa, uang dan tenaga kerja merupakan fenomena ...
The use of foreign workers in Indonesia is increasingly in demand by companies. The Ministry of Manp...
The effectiveness and urgency of the use of foreign workers in Indonesia is very effective and urgen...
Kebijakan pemerintah terhadap Tenaga Kerja Asing (TKA) bersifatselektif terhadap jabatan-jabatan ter...
Perlindungan terhadap tenaga kerja Indonesia yang bekerja di luar negeri merupakan bagian dari kewaj...
The Republic of Indonesia was founded, the Indonesian people have realized that work is a human need...
Penerbitan Perpres No.20 Tahun 2018 tentang Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing telah menggantikan Perpres...
Indeed, the Indonesian state prioritizes the placement of domestic workers over foreign workers in a...
Abolition of speak Indonesian ability for foreign workers (TKA) it certainly will make Indonesia as ...
The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that every citizen has the right to work a...
Enactment of Presidential Regulation No. 20 of 2018 reaps the pros and cons in the community. This i...
Kehadiran Tenaga Kerja Asing (TKA) di PT. Solusi Bangun Andalas, memberikan konsekuensi pelanggaran ...
With the ease with which the permission of Foreign Workers (TKA) to enter Indonesia is expected to h...
Presidential Regulations can be interpreted as laws and regulations made by the President. Then, the...
Isu serbuan 10 juta Tenaga Kerja Asing asal Tiongkok menimbulkan spekulasi terkait persoalan aktivit...
Fenomena Globalisasai Revolusi Industri 4.0, barang, jasa, uang dan tenaga kerja merupakan fenomena ...