Tanaman kapas membutuhkan persyaratan ketersediaan air yang cukup, utamanya pada saat perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan serta kondisi yang kering saat panen. Pada irigasi tetes, pengairan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan air setiap jenis tanaman yang berbeda-beda tergantung pada fase pertumbuhan dan jenis tanamannya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kapas yang menggunakan sistem irigasi tetes pada dua musim tanam yang berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan selama 2 (dua) tahun berturut-turut, penelitian pertama: penanaman dengan menggunakan irigasi tetes dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2017 dan dilanjutkan penanaman kedua pada bulan Mei 2018. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Turucinnae Kecamatan...
This research was conducted in PT Nusantara Tropical Farm ( PT NTF) at Jepara, Margosakti, Labuhan R...
In order to support the needs of the national textile industry, the necessary raw materials of high ...
In order to support the needs of the national textile industry, the necessary raw materials of high ...
Cotton plants require sufficient water availability, especially during germination and growth and dr...
Kondisi penanaman kapas di Sulawesi Selatan selalu terkendala dalam pemenuhan air. Semua tahap pertu...
Water stress is a very important limiting factor for cotton cultivation in Jeneponto District, South...
Rainfall Distribution As The Base to Determine Cotton Planting Time on The Rice Field in Lamongan, E...
The development of cotton crop in South Sulawesi is still constrained by the availability of water w...
Development of Early Maturity Cotton Resistant to Jassid in Dry Area.Cotton in Indonesia is grown m...
This experiment was carried out to determine whether the spacing of cotton and the use of fertilizer...
Abstract. Toddolimae and Toddopulia Villages are soybean-producing villages in Maros Regency. These ...
Soybean Grobogan variety belongs to high yielding varieties in Indonesia. In order to fulfill the do...
Tanaman melon (Cucumis melo L.) membutuhkan ketersediaan air dalam jumlah yang cukup, dan dengan pem...
Shallot is a national priority vegetable commodity widely used in Indonesia. However, shallot produc...
Key success of cultivation vegetable crop in lowland is gift irrigate and the manure which enough. T...
This research was conducted in PT Nusantara Tropical Farm ( PT NTF) at Jepara, Margosakti, Labuhan R...
In order to support the needs of the national textile industry, the necessary raw materials of high ...
In order to support the needs of the national textile industry, the necessary raw materials of high ...
Cotton plants require sufficient water availability, especially during germination and growth and dr...
Kondisi penanaman kapas di Sulawesi Selatan selalu terkendala dalam pemenuhan air. Semua tahap pertu...
Water stress is a very important limiting factor for cotton cultivation in Jeneponto District, South...
Rainfall Distribution As The Base to Determine Cotton Planting Time on The Rice Field in Lamongan, E...
The development of cotton crop in South Sulawesi is still constrained by the availability of water w...
Development of Early Maturity Cotton Resistant to Jassid in Dry Area.Cotton in Indonesia is grown m...
This experiment was carried out to determine whether the spacing of cotton and the use of fertilizer...
Abstract. Toddolimae and Toddopulia Villages are soybean-producing villages in Maros Regency. These ...
Soybean Grobogan variety belongs to high yielding varieties in Indonesia. In order to fulfill the do...
Tanaman melon (Cucumis melo L.) membutuhkan ketersediaan air dalam jumlah yang cukup, dan dengan pem...
Shallot is a national priority vegetable commodity widely used in Indonesia. However, shallot produc...
Key success of cultivation vegetable crop in lowland is gift irrigate and the manure which enough. T...
This research was conducted in PT Nusantara Tropical Farm ( PT NTF) at Jepara, Margosakti, Labuhan R...
In order to support the needs of the national textile industry, the necessary raw materials of high ...
In order to support the needs of the national textile industry, the necessary raw materials of high ...