Hvordan hænger begreberne om social kapital og relationel koordinering sammen? I hvilken grad er der overensstemmelse mellem målinger af det ene og det andet, og kan man sige, at det ene er mere grundlæggende end det andet? Med udgangspunkt i spørgeskemadata fra ældreplejen i fem danske kommuner undersøger vi disse spørgsmål. Resultaterne peger på, at der er tale om sammenhængende, men langt fra fuldt overlappende begreber. Resultaterne understøtter en antagelse om, at social kapital medierer sammenhængen mellem relationel koordinering og hhv. psykisk velbefindende, involvering og oplevet kvalitet i arbejdet. Diskussionen af resultaterne lægger grunden for mere generelle overvejelser over karakteren og den praktiske anvendelighed af målinge...
A large number of authors, researchers and organizational theorists have invoked the concept of soci...
Značaj društvenog kapitala prepoznat je 90-ih godina te se od tada počeo intenzivnije izučavati. Iak...
Aim: Studying the effects and implications of social capital has gained widespread favor in recent y...
Relationel koordinering har tiltrukket sig betydelig opmærksomhed på sundhedsområdet. Relationel koo...
Coordination is a vital component in health care provision and teamwork. The need for better coordin...
With the recent trend of flattening organizations and increased task complexity, social capital has ...
An increasing number of organizational researchers have turned to social capital theory in an attemp...
Almost all municipalities in Denmark have within the latest years implemented a kind or everyday reh...
Copyright © 2014 Sanne Lykke Lundstrøm et al.This is an open access article distributed under the Cr...
This study used a social capital theoretical framework to explain how the quality of relationships (...
Background: Occupational health services may have a strategic role in the prevention of sickness abs...
Background: Occupational health services may have a strategic role in the prevention of sickness abs...
Social capital is a psychosocial resource that has been found to have a profound effect on well-bein...
The study examines when and how does social capital drives employee turnover intention from the pers...
AIM: To provide an updated definition of the concept of nurses\u27 workplace social capital that add...
A large number of authors, researchers and organizational theorists have invoked the concept of soci...
Značaj društvenog kapitala prepoznat je 90-ih godina te se od tada počeo intenzivnije izučavati. Iak...
Aim: Studying the effects and implications of social capital has gained widespread favor in recent y...
Relationel koordinering har tiltrukket sig betydelig opmærksomhed på sundhedsområdet. Relationel koo...
Coordination is a vital component in health care provision and teamwork. The need for better coordin...
With the recent trend of flattening organizations and increased task complexity, social capital has ...
An increasing number of organizational researchers have turned to social capital theory in an attemp...
Almost all municipalities in Denmark have within the latest years implemented a kind or everyday reh...
Copyright © 2014 Sanne Lykke Lundstrøm et al.This is an open access article distributed under the Cr...
This study used a social capital theoretical framework to explain how the quality of relationships (...
Background: Occupational health services may have a strategic role in the prevention of sickness abs...
Background: Occupational health services may have a strategic role in the prevention of sickness abs...
Social capital is a psychosocial resource that has been found to have a profound effect on well-bein...
The study examines when and how does social capital drives employee turnover intention from the pers...
AIM: To provide an updated definition of the concept of nurses\u27 workplace social capital that add...
A large number of authors, researchers and organizational theorists have invoked the concept of soci...
Značaj društvenog kapitala prepoznat je 90-ih godina te se od tada počeo intenzivnije izučavati. Iak...
Aim: Studying the effects and implications of social capital has gained widespread favor in recent y...