Artiklen anlægger et diskursanalytisk blik på tre akademiske foreningers strategiarbejde. Det drejer sig om Ingeniørforeningen, Dansk Jurist og ¯økonomforbund og Dansk Magisterforening. Formålet er at beskrive de dominerende logikker og rationaler, som strategierne er konstrueret omkring. Artiklen ekspliciterer og problematiserer teksternes tavse forudsætninger igennem en analyse for hernæst at reflektere dem i forhold til den bredere samfundsudvikling. Afslutningsvis bliver diskursanalysen brugt som afsæt til en diskussion af, hvilke grundlæggende problemfelter fagbevægelsens strategiarbejde må adressere i sit udgangspunkt.Within the last decades it has become widely accepted among Danish trade unions of managerial and professional staff t...
With increasing market deregulation, workplace relationships, identities, and functions are graduall...
The industrial relations models among the EU/EES countries vary widely. The Nordic model of self-reg...
In the literature on the emergence of the welfare state, the strength of trade unions and the organi...
The ambition of this paper is to analyze the discursive practices of three Danish trade unions for p...
Afslutningen af Lønkommissionens arbejde viste, at lønbegreber og statistik er konflikttemaer, og ka...
The decline in union membership in Europe started in the 1980’s but in fact union density peaked in ...
Swedish trade unions are engaged in several activities at the European level. One of these is the se...
Workers’ agency, and their struggles to potentially increase their agency, has been and still is int...
Trade union management issues are relevant in all of the European Union, but especially in the new m...
The main contribution of my thesis is the analysis of substantial empirical material that I have col...
Numerous studies have concentrated on the consequences of intra-EU labour mobility. However, the lit...
Bakgrund: Studier visar på att den fackliga organisationsgraden som är central för maktbalansen i de...
The trade union campaign “Better not cheaper ” of the German metalworkers ’ union IG Metall is one o...
According to most ways of measuring it the Swedish trade union movement is the strongest in the worl...
Dansih trade unionism 1870-1950 - from the perspective of work. A history of Danish trade unionism c...
With increasing market deregulation, workplace relationships, identities, and functions are graduall...
The industrial relations models among the EU/EES countries vary widely. The Nordic model of self-reg...
In the literature on the emergence of the welfare state, the strength of trade unions and the organi...
The ambition of this paper is to analyze the discursive practices of three Danish trade unions for p...
Afslutningen af Lønkommissionens arbejde viste, at lønbegreber og statistik er konflikttemaer, og ka...
The decline in union membership in Europe started in the 1980’s but in fact union density peaked in ...
Swedish trade unions are engaged in several activities at the European level. One of these is the se...
Workers’ agency, and their struggles to potentially increase their agency, has been and still is int...
Trade union management issues are relevant in all of the European Union, but especially in the new m...
The main contribution of my thesis is the analysis of substantial empirical material that I have col...
Numerous studies have concentrated on the consequences of intra-EU labour mobility. However, the lit...
Bakgrund: Studier visar på att den fackliga organisationsgraden som är central för maktbalansen i de...
The trade union campaign “Better not cheaper ” of the German metalworkers ’ union IG Metall is one o...
According to most ways of measuring it the Swedish trade union movement is the strongest in the worl...
Dansih trade unionism 1870-1950 - from the perspective of work. A history of Danish trade unionism c...
With increasing market deregulation, workplace relationships, identities, and functions are graduall...
The industrial relations models among the EU/EES countries vary widely. The Nordic model of self-reg...
In the literature on the emergence of the welfare state, the strength of trade unions and the organi...