In the late Edo through the Meiji period various schools were established in the field of waka, traditional Japanese poetry. By emulating each other, they developed theories of poetry and created new styles. This peper investigates the life and achievements of Satsusatsu Ito, who was from Omi and represented waka poets in the late Edo period. Although he followed Kageki Kagawa, he established a new school. He aimed at the style of Kokinshu, and called his poems haikaika. Therefore he detested his poems being identified with Kyoka. An explanation follows as to why he was unique in the world of waka poets during his time
Shinsen rōeishū as a poetry collection of kanshi and waka compiled by Fujiwara no Mototoshi has not ...
“The First Modern Japanese Poetry” substantiates the modernism of the earliest examples of shintaish...
"Syoku-meidai Wakasyu" is one of the collection of 6728 waka poems arranged by topics. In 1718, it ...
In the late Edo through the Meiji period various schools were established in the field of waka, trad...
This paper argues how the style of traditional waka (Japanese poetry) changed in the transition from...
In this paper I will consider what activities waka poets of the old school developed in Osaka by tak...
In the last part of Edo period, the number of the people who had a taste for Chinese poetry increase...
Ishitsu Sukesumi, a Japanese classical scholar and waka poet in Osaka in the late Edo period, made w...
Kitanohemon, a representative school of Kado (the way of poetry) in Kyoto in the Late Edo perind, ha...
This paper investigates the lives and achievements of Japanese classical scholars (Kokugakusha) and ...
Choka—a long poem in Japanese style—is a form of waka expression. In the middle of the Tokugawa era,...
This thesis takes the haiku of one female poet, Sugita Hisajo (1890 – 1946), as a case study to expl...
Waka poetry had a history of approximately 700 years from the latter half of the eighth century when...
“Wakadenjugojinodaiji” is the book that was written about the way of composing a waka poetry in the ...
Senshi was born in 964 and died in 1035, in the Heian period of Japanese history (794–1185). Most of...
Shinsen rōeishū as a poetry collection of kanshi and waka compiled by Fujiwara no Mototoshi has not ...
“The First Modern Japanese Poetry” substantiates the modernism of the earliest examples of shintaish...
"Syoku-meidai Wakasyu" is one of the collection of 6728 waka poems arranged by topics. In 1718, it ...
In the late Edo through the Meiji period various schools were established in the field of waka, trad...
This paper argues how the style of traditional waka (Japanese poetry) changed in the transition from...
In this paper I will consider what activities waka poets of the old school developed in Osaka by tak...
In the last part of Edo period, the number of the people who had a taste for Chinese poetry increase...
Ishitsu Sukesumi, a Japanese classical scholar and waka poet in Osaka in the late Edo period, made w...
Kitanohemon, a representative school of Kado (the way of poetry) in Kyoto in the Late Edo perind, ha...
This paper investigates the lives and achievements of Japanese classical scholars (Kokugakusha) and ...
Choka—a long poem in Japanese style—is a form of waka expression. In the middle of the Tokugawa era,...
This thesis takes the haiku of one female poet, Sugita Hisajo (1890 – 1946), as a case study to expl...
Waka poetry had a history of approximately 700 years from the latter half of the eighth century when...
“Wakadenjugojinodaiji” is the book that was written about the way of composing a waka poetry in the ...
Senshi was born in 964 and died in 1035, in the Heian period of Japanese history (794–1185). Most of...
Shinsen rōeishū as a poetry collection of kanshi and waka compiled by Fujiwara no Mototoshi has not ...
“The First Modern Japanese Poetry” substantiates the modernism of the earliest examples of shintaish...
"Syoku-meidai Wakasyu" is one of the collection of 6728 waka poems arranged by topics. In 1718, it ...