The Dodd-Frank Act finally achieved the inevitable. It subjects hedge funds to significant regulatory oversight even though they were previously exempt from regulation. In 2006, the SEC notoriously failed at this task when the D.C. Court of Appeals held that the agency acted outside of its rulemaking authority in attempting to regulate hedge fund advisers. Through the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act, Congress finally finished what the SEC started by using the current political climate to close this regulatory loophole. The Dodd-Frank Act is a step in the right direction, but it leaves an important question largely unanswered: Should hedge fund investors actually be protected under our federal securities laws? While the Dodd-Frank Act will req...
The popularity of hedge funds has exponentially increased over the past decade due to the unparallel...
Access to private funds is limited to an elite class of investors -- wealthy individuals and large i...
The passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank”) and the ...
The Dodd-Frank Act finally achieved the inevitable. It subjects hedge funds to significant regulator...
The 2008 financial crisis sparked a flurry of regulatory activity and enforcement in an attempt to r...
(Excerpt) Part I of this Article describes the basic hedge fund structure, explains the benefits tha...
The JOBS Act accomplished what many thought to be inconceivable. After being excluded from the privi...
In the recent past, hedge funds have demonstrated that they can pose and spread systemic risk across...
In the recent past, hedge funds have demonstrated that they can pose and spread systemic risk across...
Academics have frequently noted that the term “public” is one of the most under theorized concepts u...
A persistent theme underlying contemporary debates about financial regulation is how to protect inve...
Currently en vogue concerns about hedge funds are not nearly as substantial as is often claimed. Mor...
Recent news about hedge funds\u27 successes and failures, and in some cases outright fraud, has incr...
The Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) is the regulatory body that is charged with implement...
A global regulatory framework for hedge fund custodians is needed, in addition to Title IV of the Do...
The popularity of hedge funds has exponentially increased over the past decade due to the unparallel...
Access to private funds is limited to an elite class of investors -- wealthy individuals and large i...
The passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank”) and the ...
The Dodd-Frank Act finally achieved the inevitable. It subjects hedge funds to significant regulator...
The 2008 financial crisis sparked a flurry of regulatory activity and enforcement in an attempt to r...
(Excerpt) Part I of this Article describes the basic hedge fund structure, explains the benefits tha...
The JOBS Act accomplished what many thought to be inconceivable. After being excluded from the privi...
In the recent past, hedge funds have demonstrated that they can pose and spread systemic risk across...
In the recent past, hedge funds have demonstrated that they can pose and spread systemic risk across...
Academics have frequently noted that the term “public” is one of the most under theorized concepts u...
A persistent theme underlying contemporary debates about financial regulation is how to protect inve...
Currently en vogue concerns about hedge funds are not nearly as substantial as is often claimed. Mor...
Recent news about hedge funds\u27 successes and failures, and in some cases outright fraud, has incr...
The Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) is the regulatory body that is charged with implement...
A global regulatory framework for hedge fund custodians is needed, in addition to Title IV of the Do...
The popularity of hedge funds has exponentially increased over the past decade due to the unparallel...
Access to private funds is limited to an elite class of investors -- wealthy individuals and large i...
The passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank”) and the ...