Joanne Aono Title: Tomi & Yuki 1 Medium: Ink on Linen Drawing 2012
Heather and Veronica, 2011 Oil on canvas 48 x 60
Hand-colored drawing from the book: The Cauliflower, and Sheepshead
Illustration of Japanese couple sitting together
Joanne Aono Title: Tomi & Yuki 1 Medium: Ink on Linen Drawing 2012
Raeleen Kao“Handmilk”Graphite drawing on paper 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches 2017https://via.library.depaul.e...
Alcohol Ink on Yupo 17”x14” Professor at Plano Teaches Drawing I and IIhttps://digitalcommons.collin...
Watercolor on paper Gift of the Artist
Alcohol Ink on Yupo 13”x17” Professor at Plano Teaches Drawing I and IIhttps://digitalcommons.collin...
two Japanese women
Sumi-e ink painting
11 x17 Digital Painting
Alcohol Ink on Yupo 9”x12” Professor at Plano Teaches Drawing I and IIhttps://digitalcommons.collin....
Mickey Leland and Alison Leland
Anonymous Spaghetti & Mushroom, 2016 Drawing 9 X 12 inches
Watercolor on paper Gift of the Artist
Heather and Veronica, 2011 Oil on canvas 48 x 60
Hand-colored drawing from the book: The Cauliflower, and Sheepshead
Illustration of Japanese couple sitting together
Joanne Aono Title: Tomi & Yuki 1 Medium: Ink on Linen Drawing 2012
Raeleen Kao“Handmilk”Graphite drawing on paper 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches 2017https://via.library.depaul.e...
Alcohol Ink on Yupo 17”x14” Professor at Plano Teaches Drawing I and IIhttps://digitalcommons.collin...
Watercolor on paper Gift of the Artist
Alcohol Ink on Yupo 13”x17” Professor at Plano Teaches Drawing I and IIhttps://digitalcommons.collin...
two Japanese women
Sumi-e ink painting
11 x17 Digital Painting
Alcohol Ink on Yupo 9”x12” Professor at Plano Teaches Drawing I and IIhttps://digitalcommons.collin....
Mickey Leland and Alison Leland
Anonymous Spaghetti & Mushroom, 2016 Drawing 9 X 12 inches
Watercolor on paper Gift of the Artist
Heather and Veronica, 2011 Oil on canvas 48 x 60
Hand-colored drawing from the book: The Cauliflower, and Sheepshead
Illustration of Japanese couple sitting together