Davis discusses the implementation of crowd control techniques and his role in interpreting warnings to vacate the streets via loudspeaker. Transcription: Pfc Robert D Davis 18107121 Military Gov Section A 29th Inf Divison APO 29, c/o Postmaster, N.Y. Mrs. R.L. Davis 1619 Boston Muskogee, Oklahoma AIR MAIL speaker + Rheydt 6 March 1945 Dear Folks: Today we did something in town that was unusual to say the least. In this large town area, there was a noticeable lack of obedience of the ordinances and rules covering civilian circulation. The situation was not like some of the smaller towns we’ve had, when a few men. even a couple of us, could go out, and cover the entire town in not too many bedrocks. So we took a sound truck out and went up a...