Wallace Atlee Gastineau -- Kuzzie Middlesboro, KY LL. B., Member of Henry Clay Law Society. An elk, a member of the Royal Order of Owls and a frequenter of the Dump, he overcame all obstacles and gives promise of becoming one of the most notorious lawyers of his class. On his face shines a perpetual sun and in his soul there is a world of kindness for all humanity. -The Kentuckian, 1910 ----------------------------------- Wallace Atlee Gastineau (February 26, 1890 - May 4, 1957) was the son of Joby Alvin Gastineau and Sarah Acton. Gastineau returned to Middlesboro after graduation and began practicing law. Gastineau first married his first wife, Myrtle, in 1917 but petitioned for divorce in 1923. Gastineau later married Lillian Morgan ...