In this thesis, we give contributions to topics which are related to array noncomputable (a.n.c.) Turing degrees, maximal pairs and to simplicity properties. The outline is as follows. In Chapter 2, we introduce a subclass of the a.n.c. Turing degrees, the so called completely array noncomputable (c.a.n.c. for short) Turing degrees. Here, a computably enumerable (c.e.) Turing degree a is c.a.n.c. if any c.e. set A ∈ a is weak truth-table (wtt) equivalent to an a.n.c. set. We show in Section 2.3 that these degrees exist (indeed, there exist infinitely many low c.a.n.c. degrees) and that they cannot be high. Moreover, we apply some of the ideas used to show the existence of c.a.n.c. Turing degrees to show the stronger result that the...