Definición de los conceptos de matriz estocástica y vector estocástico. Solución de problemas de Dinámica Poblacional."Definition and Concepts of stochastic matrix and stochastic vectors. Problems solution about Dynamics population."Estudiantes de primer año de ingenierí
The purpose of this report is to introduce the engineer to the area of stochastic differential equat...
La importancia de las ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas y en general, el cálculo estocástico, en...
Nesta presente tese, abordaremos três problemas sobre processos estocásticos unidimensionais governa...
A teoria da álgebra linear e particularmente matrizes e sistemas lineares são tópicos de matemática ...
El curso continúa. Acá presentamos la fórmula de Ito extendida a n dimensiones y el concepto de Ecua...
Álgebra Linear e particularmente a teoria das matrizes e dos sistemas lineares são tópicos da Matemá...
This book is aimed at covering the bases on random variables, random vectors and stochastic processe...
and 4.9. In this handout, we indicate more completely the properties of the eigenvalues of a stochas...
Teoremas de identificación de matrices diagonalizables. Introducción a los sistemas dinámicos.Identi...
Stochastic processes are probabilistic models of data streams such as speech, audio and video signal...
This thesis is focused on Markov chains and their application in genetics. Special focus is on conve...
The consideration of quantitative data is often required to perform research in both the physical an...
This unique text for beginning graduate students gives a self-contained introduction to the mathemat...
Starting with simple, one-dimensional dynamical systems, we'll look\ud at how to model problems in b...
The course Stochastic Processes aims at showing the importance of stochastic models in which time pl...
The purpose of this report is to introduce the engineer to the area of stochastic differential equat...
La importancia de las ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas y en general, el cálculo estocástico, en...
Nesta presente tese, abordaremos três problemas sobre processos estocásticos unidimensionais governa...
A teoria da álgebra linear e particularmente matrizes e sistemas lineares são tópicos de matemática ...
El curso continúa. Acá presentamos la fórmula de Ito extendida a n dimensiones y el concepto de Ecua...
Álgebra Linear e particularmente a teoria das matrizes e dos sistemas lineares são tópicos da Matemá...
This book is aimed at covering the bases on random variables, random vectors and stochastic processe...
and 4.9. In this handout, we indicate more completely the properties of the eigenvalues of a stochas...
Teoremas de identificación de matrices diagonalizables. Introducción a los sistemas dinámicos.Identi...
Stochastic processes are probabilistic models of data streams such as speech, audio and video signal...
This thesis is focused on Markov chains and their application in genetics. Special focus is on conve...
The consideration of quantitative data is often required to perform research in both the physical an...
This unique text for beginning graduate students gives a self-contained introduction to the mathemat...
Starting with simple, one-dimensional dynamical systems, we'll look\ud at how to model problems in b...
The course Stochastic Processes aims at showing the importance of stochastic models in which time pl...
The purpose of this report is to introduce the engineer to the area of stochastic differential equat...
La importancia de las ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas y en general, el cálculo estocástico, en...
Nesta presente tese, abordaremos três problemas sobre processos estocásticos unidimensionais governa...