Poverty is a reality for many who obtain a degree of higher education and enter the workforce immediately after graduation. Funding an education for many may lead to student loan debt that is often virtually impossible to repay. This often leads many to believe that the debt incurred from obtaining a degree of higher education may not be worth the gain. The purpose of this paper is explore several articles that report on higher education as it relates to poverty, student loan debt, and salary pay scales for degrees and professional trade certifications. While investigating those related themes, this paper will analyze and explore different educational routes that lead to more positive outcomes of self-sustainability and success. The desire ...
In a world of rapidly escalating amounts of student debt, the current system harms college stakehold...
Under the current economic environment and its high levels of unemployment, many people are turning ...
This dissertation consists of two essays at the intersection of the economics of education and inequ...
Poverty is a reality for many who obtain a degree of higher education and enter the workforce immedi...
Upward mobility is a prized aspect of the American dream based upon the belief that those from humbl...
This paper summarizes recent research into the cost of higher education, and specifically the effect...
Furthering your education intends to be the golden ticket when forming the basis of a successful lif...
College students live in a world where financial struggles and hardships take away from a lot of the...
Despite the recent economic recovery, state support for higher education remains below pre-recession...
African American students from low-income communities who are often plagued with generational povert...
This study reviewed the literature to investigate the impact of student loans on career choices, in ...
While the costs to attend college continue to rise exponentially, a bachelor’s degree is held up as ...
This journalistic piece investigates the impact that student loan debt has on recent college graduat...
The purpose of this study is to investigate economic well-being issues related to student loan debt....
This article proposes that the rising cost of graduate education and debt may suppress interest of d...
In a world of rapidly escalating amounts of student debt, the current system harms college stakehold...
Under the current economic environment and its high levels of unemployment, many people are turning ...
This dissertation consists of two essays at the intersection of the economics of education and inequ...
Poverty is a reality for many who obtain a degree of higher education and enter the workforce immedi...
Upward mobility is a prized aspect of the American dream based upon the belief that those from humbl...
This paper summarizes recent research into the cost of higher education, and specifically the effect...
Furthering your education intends to be the golden ticket when forming the basis of a successful lif...
College students live in a world where financial struggles and hardships take away from a lot of the...
Despite the recent economic recovery, state support for higher education remains below pre-recession...
African American students from low-income communities who are often plagued with generational povert...
This study reviewed the literature to investigate the impact of student loans on career choices, in ...
While the costs to attend college continue to rise exponentially, a bachelor’s degree is held up as ...
This journalistic piece investigates the impact that student loan debt has on recent college graduat...
The purpose of this study is to investigate economic well-being issues related to student loan debt....
This article proposes that the rising cost of graduate education and debt may suppress interest of d...
In a world of rapidly escalating amounts of student debt, the current system harms college stakehold...
Under the current economic environment and its high levels of unemployment, many people are turning ...
This dissertation consists of two essays at the intersection of the economics of education and inequ...