Skripsi ini membahas tentang penggunaan campur kode (code mixing) di iklan subkategori makanan dan minuman yang ada di online shop OLX Indonesia. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tipe-tipe campur kode dan mendeskripsikan fungsi campur kode yang ditemukan di iklan subkategori makanan dan minuman di online shop OLX Indonesia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan selama satu hari pada tanggal 23 Maret 2017. Data dianalisis berdasarkan teori campur kode oleh Muysken (2000) tentang tipe campur kode dan teori Hoffman (1991) dan Saville-Troike (2003) untuk fungsi campur kode. Dari hasil analisis ditemukan 48 data yang mengandung campur kode. Tipe campur kode yang ditemukan di penelitian ini adalah insertion dan congruent lexicalization. Inserti...
Code mixing is the insertion of elements of other languages or the entry of foreign and regional lan...
ABSTRAK Skripsi ini membahas tentang penggunaan campur kode (code mixing) oleh dua host di dala...
Wulandari. 2019. analisa Campur-Kode dalam iklan cetak di Makassar (diawasi oleh Abidin Pammu dan Ay...
A study entitled “analysis of code mixing in online food delivery advertisement” is a study that re...
The research entitled “An Analysis of Code-Mixing In Soft Drink Advertisements” is purposes...
Code mixing is changing one language into another during a conversation or in a written or spoken te...
This tendency is noticed when people use many ways of language variations to communicate or express ...
This study deals with the phenomena of code-mixing with a specific focus on commercial advertising s...
ABSTRACT Mufidah, Zuhrotul. 2010. English Code Mixing in the Entertainment Column of Jawa Pos. S-1...
Code switching and code mixing are language behaviour in bilingual or multilingual society as in Ind...
This tendency is noticed when people use many ways of language variations to communicate or e...
Abstract This research focused on the used of code mixing that occured in people's lives on transact...
The purpose of this study was to describe the form and function of the use of code-mixing, the relat...
The goal of this research was to determine the types of code-mixing employed in Lazuardy's Tiktok ac...
The aim of this study is to investigate the goals of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing and how it is us...
Code mixing is the insertion of elements of other languages or the entry of foreign and regional lan...
ABSTRAK Skripsi ini membahas tentang penggunaan campur kode (code mixing) oleh dua host di dala...
Wulandari. 2019. analisa Campur-Kode dalam iklan cetak di Makassar (diawasi oleh Abidin Pammu dan Ay...
A study entitled “analysis of code mixing in online food delivery advertisement” is a study that re...
The research entitled “An Analysis of Code-Mixing In Soft Drink Advertisements” is purposes...
Code mixing is changing one language into another during a conversation or in a written or spoken te...
This tendency is noticed when people use many ways of language variations to communicate or express ...
This study deals with the phenomena of code-mixing with a specific focus on commercial advertising s...
ABSTRACT Mufidah, Zuhrotul. 2010. English Code Mixing in the Entertainment Column of Jawa Pos. S-1...
Code switching and code mixing are language behaviour in bilingual or multilingual society as in Ind...
This tendency is noticed when people use many ways of language variations to communicate or e...
Abstract This research focused on the used of code mixing that occured in people's lives on transact...
The purpose of this study was to describe the form and function of the use of code-mixing, the relat...
The goal of this research was to determine the types of code-mixing employed in Lazuardy's Tiktok ac...
The aim of this study is to investigate the goals of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing and how it is us...
Code mixing is the insertion of elements of other languages or the entry of foreign and regional lan...
ABSTRAK Skripsi ini membahas tentang penggunaan campur kode (code mixing) oleh dua host di dala...
Wulandari. 2019. analisa Campur-Kode dalam iklan cetak di Makassar (diawasi oleh Abidin Pammu dan Ay...