Penelitian mengenai studi dermatoglifi golongan simian crease (manusia Masukake-gata) pada suku Minangkabau telah dilaksanakan dari bulan Maret hingga Juni 2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola dermatoglifi berdasarkan pola sidik jari, jumlah sulur total ujung jari, jumlah triradius, jumlah sulur antara triradius a-b serta besar sudut atd pada golongan simian crease di suku Minangkabau. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purpossive sampling untuk kelompok simian crease dan random sampling untuk kelompok normal. Pengolahan data menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif dan dilakukan di Laboratorium Genetika dan Biologi Sel, Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Andalas, Padan...
Dermatoglyphics is derived, and each individual has a different fingerprint pattern even if they are...
Sidik jari dan telapak tangan berperanan penting sebagai identitas seseorang, karena setiap orang me...
ABSTRACT: Palmar patterns are different for each individual even though they are come from the same ...
ABSTRACT: Line formations of the palm (palmar flexion creases) as part of field of dermatoglyphics c...
Line formations of the palm (palmar flexion creases) as part of field of dermatoglyphics can be used...
This study on the incidence of supernumerary digital flexion crease was carried out among undergradu...
The volar transverse creases of the second to fifth fingers have been shown to be genetically influe...
BACKGROUND: Studies have suggested that identification of aberrant palmar creases may give clues for...
The scientific study of epidermal ridges on the palms and toes is termed dermatoglyphics. Multiple b...
Different variants in the digital flexion creases are found in a number of syndromes, but rarely fou...
Latar Belakang: Dermatoglifi merupakan studi tentang pola garis-garis halus pada ujung jari, telapa...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bunga normal dan abnormal pada klon kultur jaringan ...
Congenital hand anomalies of the hand is a myriad of deformities resulting from gene mutation and in...
Creases like other dermatoglyphic features are controlled by polygenic factor and stand a chance to ...
Dermatoglyphics on Autism and Down's Syndrome in PalembangDermatoglyphics is the study of fingerprin...
Dermatoglyphics is derived, and each individual has a different fingerprint pattern even if they are...
Sidik jari dan telapak tangan berperanan penting sebagai identitas seseorang, karena setiap orang me...
ABSTRACT: Palmar patterns are different for each individual even though they are come from the same ...
ABSTRACT: Line formations of the palm (palmar flexion creases) as part of field of dermatoglyphics c...
Line formations of the palm (palmar flexion creases) as part of field of dermatoglyphics can be used...
This study on the incidence of supernumerary digital flexion crease was carried out among undergradu...
The volar transverse creases of the second to fifth fingers have been shown to be genetically influe...
BACKGROUND: Studies have suggested that identification of aberrant palmar creases may give clues for...
The scientific study of epidermal ridges on the palms and toes is termed dermatoglyphics. Multiple b...
Different variants in the digital flexion creases are found in a number of syndromes, but rarely fou...
Latar Belakang: Dermatoglifi merupakan studi tentang pola garis-garis halus pada ujung jari, telapa...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bunga normal dan abnormal pada klon kultur jaringan ...
Congenital hand anomalies of the hand is a myriad of deformities resulting from gene mutation and in...
Creases like other dermatoglyphic features are controlled by polygenic factor and stand a chance to ...
Dermatoglyphics on Autism and Down's Syndrome in PalembangDermatoglyphics is the study of fingerprin...
Dermatoglyphics is derived, and each individual has a different fingerprint pattern even if they are...
Sidik jari dan telapak tangan berperanan penting sebagai identitas seseorang, karena setiap orang me...
ABSTRACT: Palmar patterns are different for each individual even though they are come from the same ...