Ústavní soudnictví je vynálezem euroatlantické civilizace. Ať se zabýváme americkým systémem judicial review či kontinentálním typem soudnictví, v jednotlivých zemích nelze nikdy pominout odlišnosti přezkumu ústavnosti vyvěrající ze specifického historického vývoje, zkušenosti a povahy národa. V zemi jako Korejská republika je situace odlišná v tom, že ústavní soudnictví zde není důsledkem vývoje společnosti, ale importem. Po 25 letech existence Korejského ústavního soudu („KÚS“) lze snad již říci, že se jednalo o import úspěšný. Na následujících řádkách se pokusím ilustrovat, jaká byla cesta k tomuto úspěchu a s jakými specifickými překážkami se musel KÚS vypořádat. Po historickém exkurzu, ve kterém se zaměříme na vznik ústavního soudnictv...
The purpose of the research is to study the formation, function and action of the Constitutional Cou...
The present paper presents an introduction to the study of the Korean constitutional court, view thr...
This paper discusses the symbolic and actual role of the judiciary of the Republic of Korea in the n...
Over the course of its relatively short history, the Republic of Korea Constitutional Court has brok...
En la República de Corea, tras casi cuarenta años de disposiciones de rango constitucional en las qu...
Constitutional adjudication can be carried out either by separate judicial organ which is apart from...
Among the countries which have experienced a political transition away from authoritarianism in the ...
The realm of political practice today , a mechanism for checking the legalnorms by the court to ensu...
After having gone through the inactive and sometimes merely ornamental forms of constitutional adj...
Essays in commemoration of the seventieth birthday of Professor Osanai SatoruModern constitutional l...
The Constitutional Court of Korea began its operation from 1988. The Court is an important working m...
This article aims at evaluating the degree of Constitutional Court's contribution in the realizatio...
Despite its very short history, the Korean Constitutional Court has been successful in carving out i...
This article introduces Korean legal materials to English speakers wishing to undertake the study of...
The Indonesian constitutional system contains a serious flaw that means that the constitutionality o...
The purpose of the research is to study the formation, function and action of the Constitutional Cou...
The present paper presents an introduction to the study of the Korean constitutional court, view thr...
This paper discusses the symbolic and actual role of the judiciary of the Republic of Korea in the n...
Over the course of its relatively short history, the Republic of Korea Constitutional Court has brok...
En la República de Corea, tras casi cuarenta años de disposiciones de rango constitucional en las qu...
Constitutional adjudication can be carried out either by separate judicial organ which is apart from...
Among the countries which have experienced a political transition away from authoritarianism in the ...
The realm of political practice today , a mechanism for checking the legalnorms by the court to ensu...
After having gone through the inactive and sometimes merely ornamental forms of constitutional adj...
Essays in commemoration of the seventieth birthday of Professor Osanai SatoruModern constitutional l...
The Constitutional Court of Korea began its operation from 1988. The Court is an important working m...
This article aims at evaluating the degree of Constitutional Court's contribution in the realizatio...
Despite its very short history, the Korean Constitutional Court has been successful in carving out i...
This article introduces Korean legal materials to English speakers wishing to undertake the study of...
The Indonesian constitutional system contains a serious flaw that means that the constitutionality o...
The purpose of the research is to study the formation, function and action of the Constitutional Cou...
The present paper presents an introduction to the study of the Korean constitutional court, view thr...
This paper discusses the symbolic and actual role of the judiciary of the Republic of Korea in the n...